After taking my son to his specialist for Autism and having him
tested for all kinds of toxins, his Dr. started to ask me questions.
The first was about cleaners. I am an avid Windex fan and as my husband says, will probably be the first person to actually wear a groove in our glass door. She told me to switch to a non-toxic cleaner. So, I found these cleaners, the Holy Cow brand, which you can find pretty much everywhere. I have only seen the pink and blue kinds.Wal-mart is the cheapest and actually these are even cheaper than windex. They smell great and work great. The pink one can even be used on wood floors and granite counter tops. It is a little streaky on the granite but the window cleaner is great. I love that my kids can clean with it without me worrying that they get it
on their hands and that I can clean the counter without worrying that they eat off of it . It is completely biodegradable, non-hazardous and non-toxic. Try it out! And, since we are on the subject of "clean", what is your favorite cleaners? Hazardous or not! I am always looking for a great shower cleaner.
I am hitting the walmart tomorrow so I will be picking some up.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite (probaby toxic!) is Comet spray. It is the only answer to cleaning tubs and showers. A couple squirts on the fixtures in the shower that are streaked with mineral deposits and they are totally new again. Plus it easily removes that grime in the basin. I just squirt, leave on a minute or two then wipe. Love it! But I will seriosly consider switching to this brand. I had no idea windex had anything bad in it.
ReplyDeleteI am not worried about anyone eating off my shower and think you need some good toxins to clean the scum off. I keep meaning to try this and I sure need to today! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI am brand new to your blog and came across this great article. I too use Comet and Bar Keepers Friend for my shower, but when it comes to my kids bathroom I use a vinegar and water mix to kill germs and baking soda to scrub the grime. When I first switched to this, I wasn't sure how I would like it, but once I put my kiddos in the tub and saw how much bath water they consume I was hooked. No more harsh brands in the kids bathroom for me :)