Thursday, January 24, 2008

Simply Organized

A simple way I have discovered to eliminate the "Where is that paper....?" is to have a hanging file folder for
each of my children in my file drawer where they can access. Anytime I get a paper that I will need ie. dance
recital information, soccer sign up sheet or class phone number list, I know just where it will be. If my little ones make a picture for grandma, we will know right where it is the next time she comes over. The kids know that if they have a special paper they did at school, they put it in their file. When the file gets too full, it is time to sort through it and empty as needed. The special papers they still want to keep go into their big rubermaid bin that they have for their favorite pictures and school papers. I will send that bin off with them when they are married. This system has worked great for me. Before I had file drawers, I just had a pocket folder for each of them.

While I have some simple organization tips to pass on, my friend, Molly, has many "cute" organization tips to pass on. I am not a "fluffy" person, too practical, but Molly makes everything cute. I have asked her to write some blogs for me with her tips . She is known for her talents in this area. So, keep your eye out for her upcoming column. If any of you have an area of expertise or info you would like to pass on, email me or make a comment and I would love to have you guest blog. That was my intention of this blog, all of us sharing our ideas. Thanks for all of your emails and comments. I have learned from you all.

1 comment:

  1. That is an awesome idea. I am just coming into the time when I have to deal with all these school papers and stuff. Paper is taking over my house! I will definitley work on using a system like this.
