In case you haven't noticed, everyone seems to be sick right now. My family is getting it's very first dose of the "bugs" in well over a year. Other than my husband who is down flat with the flu right now, the rest of us have escaped for the most part in great health for a long time now, Tate and I just had a bit of a cough. What I attribute this all to is daily doses of Emergen-C and of course good nutrition. We started with the Emergen-C last year when it seemed we were getting one little thing after another. I started giving everyone one of these most everyday and no one seemed to be able to really catch a bug. Sometimes they would try, but it just never seemed to materialize. These come in lots of flavors and my kids think they are great. If you are feeling sick, you can take up to 4 a day. If I feel something comming on, I take the max or if someone else has something, we all take the max (I give the little ones half the dose). Emergen-C contains seven mineral ascorbates including 1000 mg of Vitamin C. It is also pumped full of the B vitamins and gives you a good energy boost. It is my morning coffee. There is no caffeine and all the ingredients are very well balanced.
Another great thing to use to boost your immune system is Oil of Oregano and Garlic. You will smell like a pasta dish but they are also a natural immune system enhancer. I purchase my oil of oregano at Sprouts by Nature's Answer. It should tell you what dose to take, I take 4 drops 2-3 times per day. It is also very important to be getting you Super-B complex daily. I will discuss those benefits another day and the list is very long. My kids and I are having a contest to see who can not get Dad's germs. Since Homemakers don't get sick days, I will not have the option of laying down for a couple days. I simply cannot get sick so double dose of Oregano for me. We have a snow trip planned for the weekend, that's our motivation. I let you know the results after the weekend.
Just a tip: the regular box of Emergen-C sells for about 10 bucks for about 20 packets. Costco has a big box of 80 for $15. Stock up though, Costco has a way of discontinuing items.
Drink Up!
Shari, do you know if this is a lot like the AIRborne (herbal power 17 herbs & nutrients). It's a tablet you drop in H2o and it's fizzy? Just wondering... I'll do a check the next Costco trip I make. Thanks! (We don't/can't afford to to get sick either!)
ReplyDeleteYes, it is very similar to airborne. I like it better and in bulk, it is alot cheaper. It does get fizzy in drinks.
ReplyDeleteOh i'm so glad you bloged about this because whenwe talked on the phone you were telling me about this and i haven't been able to find it. i was afraid that i was looking for the wrong thing. we don't have cosco here only Sams but i'll try looking there as well. We have all been sick and i've been thinking about it. thanks for your help!
ReplyDeleteShari, you are such a wealth of information!! You inspire me to be a better "mom" to my kids. We eat pretty good, but after reading your blog, it puts our life-style to shame! Thanks for sharing all your tips!
ReplyDeleteKerri Winegar (Molly's cousin)
Okay Shari, I just took a peak at some of your older posts ... I am wanting some of your breakfast recipes! My kids LOVE breakfast! The problem we sometimes run into is that two people in my family are lactose intollerant so that is often a struggle. I may have to call you and bug you for some of your yummy recipes! Also, I wish I was more educated on how to read food "labels" ... often times I don't even know what to look for on packaged food items!
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm so glad you have a blog! I love when I find my friends or they find me!It's so fun to see what everyone is up to! Yes, that is my family at the Ray's cabin....we go up there every other year for Thanksgiving! What one is yours? I love seeing your cute kids!
ReplyDeleteHi, I was wondering if you have seen Emergen-c at your local Costco recently. I used to buy it all the time, but last week they didn't seem to carry it anymore. Just wondering, maybe it's a temporary thing. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI haven't bought any in a while since I started doing essential oils so I don't know if they have them right now. I still recommend them, however and need to get them myself since I love the energy I get from them.