Thursday, March 6, 2008

Another take on dairy....

If you would like a little more reading on dairy, a neighbor just emailed me with her take on dairy that she wrote last month on her blogsite. Our blogs have just about the same information but thought you might like someone else's opinion also. It is written very well, wish I read this earlier, it would have saved me typing! Thanks, Terri.

Read Here: Diary on Dairy.


  1. Do you ever give your babies formula? If so, which kinds?

  2. Do you ever give your babies formula? If so, which kinds?

  3. Sorry about the double comments...I'm notorious for doing this!

  4. I had to with Tate since he couldn't nurse with a cleft palat. They are all pretty horrible, I am sure there is one out there better than the rest but I have been out of it for a while. I know you want the ones containing dha. Sorry, I am not an expert in this area.

  5. I love getting all this info from your blog, however i have to admit that it scares me a little as well. I am not a person who likes change. And these are all big changes. But if i don't do it i have these guilt issues. Sometimes i think "I just don't want to know" But something keeps pulling me back to your wonderful blog everyday. I think it's your passion for the childrens well being. And i'm sure that is why i'm not pleading ignorance. I know i just need to take things one step at a time. This milk thing hits home for me. My children went from breast milk to choc milk. i buy 4 gal of milk every time i go the the store. Kelland my 3 yr old has big mucus problems and i know that this is not helping.and Jaren has anger issues and i am almost certian that milk has something to do with it. I'm shy to do anything because i have very picky eaters and the things suggested to replace calcium my kids wouldn't eat. But i've got to do it. i'm really desterbed about milk now. And really don't want my family drinking it. Thanks agian for all your info even if i don't want to hear it sometimes. Keep up the good work!

  6. What about goats milk? I have my 11 month old on goats milk instead of formula is that better then milk or is it the same?

  7. Shari,
    My name is Julie Williams and I am a friend of your sister-in-law Melissa Lee. I ran across your blog the other day and I was very enlightened by it. I have four children and I am expecting my fifth. Autism is very concerning to me. The reason being is the high percentages in recent years. I know it has been around forever but why so many cases in the past few years? I am never pleased with the answers I get from my doctor but don't really know where to go to find them. It seems as if they have no answers? Do you feel it has anything to do with the vaccinations our kids get and do you give your chilren vaccines? I have always given my children the vaccines and feel they are necessary. Someday my son and possibly my daughters will serve a mission and what if they are called to a place where these diseases still exsist. I am curious to know what the statistics are for kids who don't receive vaccines and Autism? I think that would be interesting to know. We have 4 little boys in our ward with Autism. 2 don't believe it has anything to do with vaccines (one of those father's being a medical doctor), 1 who's not sure and 1 who says without a doubt...that is why her son has Autism. I know you don't know me and have a very busy life but if you have a chance to anwswers my questions I would appreciate it. You can email me at or visit my blog at Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing from you.
