Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Contain It!

I had a couple of areas that were driving me nuts and decided it was time to do something about it. Why didn't I think of this before or take the time? It was so easy and now makes me breath a bit easier. First, my medicine cabinet in the kitchen was full with all of the wonderful holistic remedies that I read so much about, but it was almost impossible to find what I needed. These cheap little baskets fit perfect in the cupboard from Walmart for only 97 cents a piece. I have them organized into categories; cold remedies, allergies,bandaids, pain medication, etc. I love it! The second issue was with shoes. I am sure you know the drill. With seven pairs of feet in my house, we have too many shoes. I first put this shelf in the garage right by the door for them to put shoes on so they will not be in the house by the door. They keep the nice shoes in their closets. The shelf became piled high with shoes , spilling onto the ground so you couldn't even get into the garage. My 5 year old could never find his shoes before school. He was always missing one. I bought these cheap bins , one for each of them and it has worked out great. I have a big basket on the bottom for the dirty shoes, like cleats and river shoes. I have found that my children actually like organization and if they have a specific place to put something, chances are they will put it there. If there isn't a designated spot, things are lost, cluttered and disorganized. What a trip t walmart will do for a gal!


  1. I loved this post, it is right up my alley! I think I am organized and then I will look in a closet or cupboard and think, "Why haven't I addressed this?" Thanks for the Walmart basket idea, I'm heading there this week.

  2. All I can say is you had better never open my cupboard!! j/k Actually we aren't that bad, but not as organized as you. I might get inspired here in a few weeks.

  3. Now this is a subject that i love!! I enjoy organizing. I've always been that way. And i am not a person who needs to keep everything they've ever owned. If we haven't used it in 6 months or it's the least bit broken, it's outta here. Reading your post has reminded me of those few areas that i have not gotten to yet. my biggest pet-peev is my tupperwear cabnet. I've done a couple different things over the years but it never lasts. i'm at the point right now that you have to be careful when opening the cabnet or it will all fall on you. i'm looking for some enlightenment in this area. Any suggestions? and what do you do?

  4. Cherstin,
    For my tupperware I have the lids separated into two bins, all lighted up side by side so I can see what is what. I separate from the blue disposable type and the white permanent type. My containers are grouped and nested into eachother from round to square ones. The kids understand this method so they can unload them properly, they can get colors and shapes! Its all nice and neat. Throw away the ones that you just don't need, who needs 100 containers?
