Monday, March 3, 2008

Naturopathic Doctors

Many have asked me the name of a good Dr./ pediatrician in the East Valley. I have not even been to the team yet since my children are never really sick and my son sees a specialist, but I have a great one to forward on: The team name is East Valley Naturopathic Doctors, number 480-985-0000. I have heard rave reviews from them and will go there when needed. My sister-in-law took her little ones there, and for the one who was sick, the pediatrician told her to give him pro-biotics and fish oil! I am so impressed. No antibiotics, they think outside the box! Horray!

Also, just a report, after my husband had the flu for a week, the lay in bed, high fever one, I am pleased to report that none of the other 6 household inhabitants caught it! Thanks to the Oregano Oil and Emergen-C! I swear by it!


  1. I am so happy that there are doctors out there who have figured it out.

  2. Hi...I found your blog thru another and I must say I love all the info you provide! You are amazing! May I ask a few questions? Do you keep your Flaxseed tablets in the fridge? Can you share an example of your meal plans? I read on one of your post you do two weeks at a time...this would be a great help to me. Also, I do need to lose so lbs...I had twin boys 16 months ago! Is there a diet you recommend? Thank you for the help. I hope to get to know you better!

  3. I also SWEAR by emergen-c! WE use it all the time here and it TOTALY WORKS!

  4. I am April's friend (see above comment!) and I ADORE what you have said!! My husband is a CCN and he's been saying this ALL along... so it's nice to see others agree. ;) LOVE the info on the aspartame ... keep up the info!
