Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Bountiful Harvest

Well ladies, here is is. My first Bountiful Harvest. I have to say, the experience was over all a good one. This Co op is very well run and I was impressed. Me and a few gal pals decided to volunteer today to get the whole experience. It was smooth and took only one hour total. If just picking up the produce, it would take about 10-15 minutes. You can also pair up with people and take turns doing the pick up for each other. They organize the produce in two different baskets for fruit and veggies. You show up with your baskets and just put the items from your designated baskets into yours. The bread is Alpine Valley bread and is real fresh. I also bought the cheeses.
The produce is all in really good shape. I did a little calculation and if I were to buy it all on sale, I still saved about $15.00. So, this basket with all of the contents above was $15.00. I will still definitely have to supplement this with other items from the store, but it is a great start. If you are not the type to want to try out a few new things, maybe this isn't for you or if you have a real small family. But, for me, this is a great idea. The location is so close and I can't wait to try it all out. I have never cooked an artichoke or used radishes. My children were so strangely excited for this harvest. They couldn't wait to try it all out. We always have carrots but since these were big carrots, they thought it was something new and wanted to eat one right away. I am sure this enthusiasm will wear off. I will be posting all of my recipes I used these items in. I used a few of the mangos in my smoothie this morning. They were really ripe and sweet.
Every order brings you new things. Its like a little adventure in a basket. I guess this idea appeals to me because I am the one who always makes the lists, plans out each item, takes the time to select each item and finds the best deals. This way, someone does it for me and I still save money. It seems like a very small form of pampering. I will take what I can get!
I hope you all enjoyed your baskets. Leave me comments on what you thought of the experience and help me out with any good artichoke recipes!
Basket Contents:
2 bunches bananas
6 mangos
14 red potatoes
1 bunch radishes
4 large carrots
2 artichokes
1 cantaloupe
3 mexican squash
3 cucumbers
1 bunch broccoli
1 bunch green onions
1 romaine
1 swish chard
6 fiji apples
1 package red grapes
Bon appetite! I feel healthy just looking at them.


  1. It was a really neat experience today. Sometimes you just have to try new things. I ordered the Italian Olive Oil bread, it looks fresh and yummy, can't wait to try it. When I got home I laid everything out and counted it too. I called my sister and she is ready to order (I was her guinne pig). I am ready to place my next order. Thanks for the info Shari.

  2. My kids eat artichokes like candy. I steam them (it takes at least 30 min) and then they peel off the leaves and dip the bottom in the sauce of their choosing and scrape the soft part off with their bottom teeth. When we are watching a movie they prefer I make 2 or 3 artichokes over popcorn. They all fight over the heart at the end.

  3. I LOVED it all! Even though I have a small family we will find a way to eat it all. I will for sure be doing it again- I'm waiting to see what you did with all of your stuff!!

  4. Well, all I have to say is don't forget to pick up your basket! I of course forgot about the pick up until 10:00 this morning. I got online to see what to do. The website tells you that the consultant will hold your baskets until 12:00 noon and thereafter the items will be donated. So off in a hurry to get the basket to find that it was no where to be found. With many phone calls, and a few hours later a basket did arrive at my doorstep with an apology. But after viewing the items in everyones basket, I think they put together a make shift basket for me. I guess that serves me right for being late. There were not as many items in my basket as all of you. So, I am a little worried for next order due to the unorganized fashion of finding my basket. But hopefully if I can be on the ball and remember, this would have never happened. So the moral of the story is: DON"T FORGET!!! I.m hopeful that next time will be a better experience.

  5. Ok sorry if I missed the post with info but where did you get your frood from and How do we contact them?
