Thursday, May 15, 2008

White Wheat Bulk Order

For any of you local gals who would like to order some white wheat, we can get a bulk order together to get another 10% off the sale price. We need to put this together this weekend so we can get the wheat for the sale price. The sale price is $34.oo for 50 pounds and we would get another 10% off of this. This is really good Montana wheat. Please email me asap if you would like to place an order. You will need to pick it up in Mesa. This is a first come first serve until they run out, then they will have to place another order and the price will go up. They also carry containers that we can get 10% off of as well if we get enough orders.


  1. Please count me in for 2 50 lb bags.

  2. Count me in for 1 50 lb bag too! Thanks!

  3. Hi, I was googling for local places to buy white wheat here in Phoenix and wondered where it is you got yours? thanks-

  4. Julia, You can click on the preparing wisely link on my site for directions to their shop in Mesa. Their wheat is the top of the line and at good prices.

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