Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The garden bounty.....

I must say, my garden has produced a mighty fine crop this year along with a stellar production from my fruit trees. However, this means that I must process the bounty which means a few late nights. My little gardeners brought me in this little harvest which is only a very small percent of what I have harvested and have still to harvest. Along with several batches of delicious salsa and fresh marinara sauce, I am doing what I do best with these little beauties and freezing my crops. I am a professional freezer and if I ever lost power, I would cry. I have loads of fresh jam, preserves and other hand made items that represent a whole lot of my time in my freezer outside. I check my freezer every night before I go to bed to make sure no little person left the door unsealed. A little neurotic but I have learned from experience. So, tonight's fun project is to peel, seed and quarter these guys so I can freeze them into cute little containers for future uses in a variety of dishes. You can also can them but this tastes better. It's a good idea to do both in case you do loose power. This is just easier. Here are the simple steps:
Peel the tomatoes, either using a hot water bath on the stove then submerse them in cold water or peel by hand. I usually just peel them by hand because by the time I get to them, they are a little ripe. Then, quarter them and scoop out the seeds with your thumbs. Real easy. Put them in a pot with a little salt and simmer for 10 minutes. Let cool then put in containers to freeze. I like the smaller containers about the size of a can of tomatoes so I can use them when a recipe calls for one can. Season if you want.
I also have a ton on basil that I make into pesto and freeze. This is so yummy on pasta, pizza's and meats. Here is my recipe. It freezes for several months.
1 C. fresh basil leaves
1 big clove minced garlic
1/4 C. pine nuts
1/2 t. salt
1/2 C. Olive oil
1/2 C. parmesan cheese, grated not powdered.
Combine all in food processor or blender until mostly smooth, not pureed.


  1. Something is wrong with my e mail - I can not send or receive! I will call you in the morning - you have probably already gone to bed. If not, call me on my cell tonight.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I was wondering what variety of tomatoes you use in your garden, I am going to start mine up again in about a month but I have never had that kind of success with tomatoes. Thks

  4. https://www.advocare.com/02102154/Store/ItemDetail.aspx?itemCode=A2094&id=TS&flavor=D&size=C This is the produce I used a few months ago to help me quit drinking Pepsi... I see that it has sucralose and natural and artificial flavors. I still use it occasionally for energy on those days I feel like a boost but it looks like I need to find something better? Any ideas? Also I was wondering if you could post some good smoothie recipes. You are always mentioning spinach and zucchini etc.. in smoothies, do you have some specific recipes. Thanks for all you do. ~ Deena

  5. That of course was meant to say product not produce :)

  6. In response to the comments: I use the "early girl" variety of tomatoes and I use some miracle grow granules in the garden. I water every other day, but just watch when the top ground looks dry. As for DK's comment, if you are off the soda but need a little pep up every now and then, start with the Emergen-c drinks and a Complex B vitamin, the really bad days try a green Tea tablet. They have caffeine but more natural. I do go for a good Dr. Pepper on the hard days every now and then or when I have a head ache. As for the smoothie; check out my blog titled "Ultimate Smoothie" you should be able to link to it under the recipe label. It is my basic smoothie and add whatever else you want to it. I chunk off zucchini also. Enjoy!

  7. The ultimate smoothie blog was on Feb 14th FYI

  8. Great presentation Shari! I LOVE fresh tomatoes....Mmmmm!

  9. Shari, just getting caught up on your amazing blog. You're awesome! Thanks for sharing about Tate. It was interesting to think about how he must feel. Thanks!

  10. yummm.. I am so kicking myself right now, for not having a garden.
