Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Popcorn the old fashioned way....

My little Tate loves popcorn but almost all microwave popcorns are out because of the ingredients. Even the popcorn that doesn't have butter contains some tocopherols. Thanks to a fellow blogger, Terri Hirning, who blogged about this little contraption, Tate can have delicious popcorn with all the good taste and without the bad ingredients. I saw it at Target but never bought it. Then, I stopped by the Nie Benefit garage sale this weekend and picked up a brand new in box one for $2! What a deal. We tried it out and it is great! I love being able to choose what I want in it. We used pure coconut oil and cinnamon. After it was done, we sprinkled a little salt and a little sugar. Delicious! It was so easy and the kids thought it was so neat to see how it pops. I remember my dad making popcorn on the stove growing up before the microwave days. Tate saw me put in the kernels then later watched as I poured the fluffy popcorn out. He looked completely surprised. Mommy is magic! Oh what fun and little popcorn can be.
Thanks to all for your good ideas on your blogs! I love being enlightened by all. Thanks for your inspiring comments and pick me ups.I also want to shout out a Happy Birthday to my wonderful Husband! If you want to know why I love him so much, check out his comment on my last post! Love You!


  1. Shari, I just read Mike's comments. He is a keeper!! I am so sorry that you get rude comments. I hope you keep blogging. I LOVE the great information and it makes me want to do better as a mom taking care of my family. ......and Happy Birthday to Mike!!!!

  2. Hey, I have one of those! We used to use it all the time but I've kind of forgotten about it, we'll have to pull it out again.

    PS Amen to Mike's comments! I couldn't have said it better!! As Shari's Sis-in-law, I can say she does practice what she preaches. We all have areas and talents that interest us - Shari loves learning. She is constantly learning about nutrition, alternative treatments and things that affect our health. She is then kind enough to share that knowlege with us. Thanks Shari!!! You keep us thinking and trying to be better moms and wives!

  3. I love our Whirley Pop. But I have to say I ruin it's benefits by adding sugar to make kettel corn. Yum!
    It is way more fun than sticking a bag in the microwave.

  4. Wow Shari, you have a real bull dog in your corner. What an awesome message from your husband! That's so great that he's on board with your health and nutrition philosophy. I suspect my sweet husband thinks I am slighly crazy.

    Popcorn is one case in point, in fact. He can't understand why we can just eat microwave popcorn like "normal people." I have to laugh. One note, though, you don't need a special popcorn popper to make popcorn on the stove. I use a large (8 qt.) stock pot. You put 2 TBS of olive oil and about 1/3 cup of corn kernels (enough to barely cover the bottom of the pot) and then put the lid on the pot and you're good to go. It's super easy.

    I really like your blog and get all kinds of good ideas and tips. It's definitely something good that you are adding to the world, so keep it up.

  5. We do have these popcorn poppers at our store, Preparing Wisely in Mesa.

    I love all the info you share. It's nice to know that there are other people out there who are concerned about putting good things into their bodies.

  6. I swear I had one of these once! I remember growing up and loved to watch my mom make popcorn with just a pan on the burner. Add a little oil, kernels, and scrape it back and forth until all popped and done. Then she bought a popcorn maker and that was a real hit! Then it broke!
