Thursday, October 23, 2008


Although I am not a Catholic, this is a great video they have put out to put the voting decisions into perspective. Please take a moment to watch this and very carefully decide how your vote will affect our great country. We need everyone to take a stand. Thanks!


  1. This video has been forwarded to me a couple times. I think it was well done and very interesting.

  2. It is ironic I was just discussing this video last night with a friend.

  3. I loved this video! I love this country and am proud to be an american citizen who is allowed to choose who I want to be our next president. I am thankful for my freedom and for my chance to make a difference. I am thankful for my right to let my voice be heard. Today we watched our friends my husband and people we didn't know stand on street corners waving signs supporting prop 8. My 5 year old noticed a lady holding one opposing it and asked why her sign looked different. I told him that some people have different points of views but that doesn't make them bad people. She just feels differently than we do for her own personal reasons and feels like her choice is best for her just like we feel like our choice is best for us. We all deserve our chance to let our voices be heard and that is the beauty of it. That is why we should feel so lucky to live in this great country! He seemed to get it. I saw the light bulb go on. Today my 5 year old go to see the difference standing on a street corner can make as we drove up and down the PCH for an hour and a half honking our horns waving and screaming to hundreds of people trying to make a difference. It's our choice, it's our responsibility, it's our duty! So educate yourselves and VOTE! Vote for whatever you think is best for you and our country and the future of your children and grandchildren! It does matter, but only if you vote. Go prop 8 team in California! You are making a difference!

  4. What a great video!! I found it very touching! Thanks for sharing it!
