Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Info you really don't want to know about....

My friend Terri Hirning and fellow Autism mommy has some great info on her blog about plastics and cooking pans and pots. See her link to the right if you dare. I have to say, tonight has been depressing for me. First, my candidate did not win and second, I found out that I can't cook with my Foreman anymore.(Thanks, Terri!) If I didn't have my little Tate to worry so much about what he is exposed to and how sensitive his little body is, I know I wouldn't be so concerned about every little thing. But, the truth is is that it does matter. He is full of toxins. I am learning why and I know that these are changes that I do need to make. It is so totally overwhelming to change everything at once and the more I learn, the more I am convinced that nothing is really safe. We can only do the best we can. Baby steps. So, tonight I threw out my teflon stock pot. I will keep my foreman and use it on occasions but not for my Tate. I will switch to using my cast iron skillet for pancakes and no more plastic at all in the microwave. Those are my commitments for now. Read Terri's last few blogs to get all the info......if you dare. She has just returned from a great conference in CA to get all the latest info on Autism and from incredible Dr.'s who have explored why our little ones have this disease. If you have little ones, you need to be concerned. Remember, I had a healthy little boy who was born without autism. The world gave it to him. I am going to give it back. Don't let your world give this to your little ones. It really does matter what we eat, what we cook with, what we live around. Unfortunately we have to worry about it all. Take the time to read.


  1. Just wanted to say hello from a reader you didn't know you have.

    I have a very good friend who lives as you do - with a boy that was born normal...

    Anyways, I have learned alot from her and another friend whose little girl was diagnosed with brain cancer.

    The kitchen seems to be such a dangerous place!! Cookware has been hard to replace. I did go back to my cast iron and stainless steel (which is made with nickle so whats the big advantage??). Plastics were sort of easy to get rid of...except for in the storage arena.

    Its all so crazy.

  2. I'm so sorry you are feeling overwhelmed. I've felt that way at times, too. Just know that you can't do EVERYTHING and every little thing you do is an improvement. We got really expensive All-Clad pots and pans when I got married 7 years ago. My husband said that the only way he would do dishes is if we got non-stick. I checked it out and the people at Williams-Sonoma said that All-Clad didn't use Teflon.

    Well...I've come to find out that it isn't Teflon in the same way that "facial tissue" isn't Kleenex. It IS the same, it's just not made and trademarked by DuPont. So, we have stopped using our All-Clad stuff and started using mostly cast iron. What a waste!! The good thing is though that cooking on cast iron is actually good for you (or at least that's what I've heard...)!

  3. Oh, one more thing...have you looked into what's in our mattresses (flame retardant, etc.)...that really sent me over the edge worrying about that. I realized at that point I can't control everything in my home environment and you just have to do the best you can.

  4. Don't you love Terri! I met her at the conference she is awesome. I love my cast iron stuff it works great and one thing I learned at the conference for baking is to use parchment paper on your pans in the oven and then the aluminum and all the other toxins doesn't get into your food. I've been using glass alot in the oven and stone but this seems to work great too. Also the last post said something about mattresses. You can get your Dr to give you a persciption for a toxic free one and get a futon mattress that would a lot less expensive. Also I've looked into a wrap to go over the mattresses. The more I research everything the stressed I am. Little at a time.

  5. I am so stressed! Like you said "Baby Steps" or you will go crazy. I love reading Terri's posts. I would like to learn more about this cookware.

  6. I've been meaning to switch but it's just so expensive...the guilt! I spent so much on those stupid Calphalon pans but everytime I use them, or I see a scratch, I KNOW I need to get rid of them. Hopefully Terri will give me that push.

  7. its scary all the stuff you have to look out for and definately a little overwhelming! i haven't looked into them much but i've heard the salad master pots & pans are excellent & dont have all of the toxins.

  8. Hi Shari,
    long time no talk to. I have kind of been sticking my head in the sand. No surprise. I have been focusing on discipline with Love and logic, but I am ready to get back in the kitchen. What goes through your mind as you prepare to make a meal plan and then grocery shop? Do you plan one week at a time? Do you keep it simple by doing, : mon- beans, tue- chicken wed- beef etc.? What thought process do you use to organize your meals? I find that I am wasting a lot of good food by not using it wisely. Do you cook one night and always plan to reinvent leftovers for the next? Sorry so many questions, but I need a jump start. I am so glad Linda hooked up with you. Thanks for any ideas.
