Thursday, January 29, 2009

Seriously disgusted.

I have to lay off the research every once in a while because I start to get that tight chest feeling. The feeling that overwhelms me and renders me faithless in the world of food. I have to step back and realize that this world is messed up and that I do have to live in it, just in a modified way. A way that is the best that I can which means that it will never be perfect and that somehow the miraculous body will still function in. I have stepped back a bit and have not been keeping up with my Dr. Mercola and Dr. Weil emails. My friend Terri informed me yesterday of the new alarming research that just came out. My jaw dropped. I started to check it out. Seriously disgusted. Please, read her blog , linked at the right under Terri Hirning.

In a nut shell....High Fructose Corn Syrup. It is one of my absolute NO's to have in the house. It is in almost everything commercial; syrup, ketchup, yogurt. But, that is old news. The new news is that out of the 55 products tested containing HFCS, at least a third showed traceable amounts of mercury! Mercury believed to come from the refining process of corn syrup. MERCURY! Do you even know how bad that is? Mercury surrounds the brain. It is very hard to get out of the body and it does so much damage. A good majority of children on the autism spectrum have loads of it in their body. It is in vaccines which give them such a bad rap. It is also in the flu vaccine, a big reason why I am so opposed to them. But, if it is in a huge amount of products that kids are consuming in huge quantities daily, snacking on like there is no tomorrow, we are seriously in trouble. The amount of children with ADD and ADHD and autism , not to mention all of the other issues is skyrocketing. If we truly understand what is in our food, we can understand why we are so messed up in this world. But, the world will just tell you to take a pill and cover it up.

Moms, I beg you. Read the article attached to Terri's blog. Please, please stop buying junk with high fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils and other preservatives and artificial flavorings that you can't even pronounce. We need to get back to the real food. The naked food. There are products out there. If you can't find them, make it yourself. Our job is to help our children. To keep them safe and allow them to be healthy and smart. You need to take food seriously. Clean out your pantry. Keep it naked. Keep it real. Nothing artificial. Nothing blue. It does matter. What will be next? There is already melamine in products coming from China, now mercury in our food here. That is only what we know. Think about what we don't. Seriously disgusted.


  1. If you're an idiot like me and you need help in figuring out what products to get rid of, go to this


    It also tells you the total amount of mercury detected in each product and lists the laboratory detection limit. I just went into my kitchen and "got naked". Goodbye mott's apple sauce. Goodbye catsup. Goodbye oatmeal. Da*# you!

  2. Hi! You don't know me, but I read your blog from time to time and love it. My sister-on-law, Ashlee, knows you, and my friend Alexis also knows you and has told me about your blog. My 3-year-old son is on the autism spectrum, so I'm on the same food path you're on. I walk around with a pit in my stomach all day because I feel like too many people have no clue what is in our food. It seems like almost every day I discover something new that makes me disgusted with the food industry. Do you ever just want to move out to the middle of nowhere and grow your own food and be completely away from this polluted world? Good luck finding answers to it all. Kind of daunting, right? You seem like an amazing mom. Good work.

  3. Shari, Thanks for saying the hard things that people need to hear. It is very motivating.

  4. The sad thing is that they have commercials saying that HFCS are good for you.

  5. hey shari, question for you. what do you put your leftover food in to go in the fridge instead of tupperware or plastics? i know glass is best, but can you use the kinds that come with little plastic lids? i'm trying to clean out...

  6. Wow, I am so there. I have been researching this for a while and find it shocking that there aren't more people upset by this.

  7. Shoot Sheri, i teater from wanting to be 100 percent organic rawsome to being a junk food junkie. Shoot, i just went to costco and bought a lot of foods probably with the bad stuff in them. But i am also growing my own alphalpha, brocli, radish, lentil and wheat sprouts. Shoot, your blog has reminded me that i need to go natural (or Naked) as you refer to it with the food. Love the blog.

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