Tuesday, February 3, 2009

oil order today....

I am placing another oil order today if anyone is interested. I highly recommend the exchange oil, works like the vicks vapor rub to stop coughs but without the petroleum jelly which isn't what you want on your body. It is a great thing to keep on hand, used mine last night on a little cougher. It is $25 which includes tax. The spice of life is also in, $34. Both of those oils are in stock so the order placed today will be in my hands in a few days. If you want recommendations on any other oils, let me know!


  1. I need whatever helps with a cough.... we have serious coughing going on over here!

  2. I'll take one of each...exchange and spice of life. Thanks, Deena

  3. I'm glad its in, we are on the last drop of our spice of life. Please order me on of each.

  4. Does exchange smell good - like to use for making bath salt?? Or is it a vicks type smell? I want Spice of Life for sure and possibly Eucalyptus (sp?). Call me!

  5. I will take an Exchange. Does it smell like Vicks? Thanks!

  6. Do I need to join something or can I just order??? If I can I'd like to order one of each: peppermint,lavender,exchange,eucalyptrus and spice of life...THANKS!

  7. Hi Shari,

    I am new to your blog and just love it- thanks for all the effort. I would also like to order Exchange and the Spice of Life. I am sending you an email with my contact info etc. Thanks!

  8. I am interested in what you use Guardian for. You blogged about it a while ago. Will you post some info on that.
    Thanks for the all the knowledge you share!

  9. shari, i have a neti pot from walgreens (plastic) but would like to order one from azure standard. how do i do that and is that where i'd get it?

