Friday, February 20, 2009

A Public Thank You to my Angels

Just in case my guardian angels like to read my blog, I need to make a public thank you for their great work yesterday. My car was totalled, my big SUV. I was hit on one side and went head on into a light pole (my fault, women drivers you know). The car mangled, all windows blown out. The blessed angels were with me and my little Tate. These angels let me know before hand to leave the car seat in the middle just as I was about to relocate the car seat to the side for ease in strapping him, a little prompting that I have no doubt saved his life as that was the initial impact point. The same angels also reminded me that I had a 50 pound bucket of wheat in the back seat just behind Tate that would have been hurled forward right at us if not removed. A little bruised, a lot stiff and sore, but....we are here. We are so truly blessed.
I am so amazed at how wonderful my friends and family have been with endless calls, snacks and meals to make sure we are OK. Just a reminder to me that I need to be better at service for others. I now have great acts of random kindness to repay so watch out.

I will get back to blogging soon so check back in a few days, need a little time to work out the kinks in my neck. Thank you all. Thank you angels.


  1. Love ya girl! Take care of yourself!!!

  2. What an experience! I'm glad you are safe. Good for you for being in tune! Your listening ears are on!
    I'm new to your blog- glad you'll be around longer.

  3. What an experience! I'm glad you are safe. Good for you for being in tune! Your listening ears are on!
    I'm new to your blog- glad you'll be around longer.

  4. Hey...GO LAY DOWN lady! Now is your chance to really take advantage of a little rest! I'm so glad you and Taters are okay. I never want to get a phone call like that again! Get into that Physical need to get the electrical stimulation to relax those muscles in your neck or you'll have long term neck problems....:)

  5. I am glad you are okay Shari! You made me realize I need to move my little guy to the middle. Take care of yourself.

  6. I hadn't heard anything about this until now. How scary! I am so glad that you two are ok. You must have some great guardian angels!

  7. Shari thanks so much for the great job you did at the mini conference Sat. I do have some questions when you get feeling better. Do you or anyone else know anything about Fibromyalgia??? Kathy Polkus

  8. Kathy- I'm Shari's SIL. My mom and my step mom both suffer from fibromyalgia. I have MS. Shoot me an email and I can give you their info if you want to talk to them. I've got one of them taking the same meds as I do and she has no more pain and can walk 2 miles a day now. Megan :)

  9. I am so sorry about your accident. I am glad that you and your son are okay. Take care and get some rest!

    Teresa Smith

  10. Shari I'm so glad you are ok, if there is anything I can do, let me know. Thanks, Deena

  11. I heard about the accident and I am so glad you are okay and tate! Im glad that you had those promptings shari. what a blessing

  12. Shari, I hadn't heard before now. I'm so glad you and Tate are okay. I'll have to swing by and give Tate a hug. I missed his sweet smile in my class on Sunday.
