Friday, July 10, 2009

The Beach Hair Remedy

Every summer I look forward to our beach trip. We spend one week almost totally outside soaking up the rays and waves. However, at the end of this coarse overworked, colored hair is usually left fried, dead and ready for a trip to the hair Dr. Last year my hair was so dead that my hairdresser talked me into leaving his chair with $300 in hair products. I was that desperate. I thought I would try something new this year.

As you all know, I am a coconut oil connoisseur. It is my lotion and my cooking staple. Now, why the heck not be my deep oil conditioning treatment? I tried it out. Before hitting the beach each day, I would run a little through my hair before pulling it back in the pony or tucking it into the hat. The result was amazing. My husband even noticed. My hair was shiny, soft, undamaged. The hair color wasn't even faded which was totally amazing. I was impressed. I was sold. Just another great thing this inexpensive little wonder in a bottle can do. I have been home for a few weeks and still haven't seen the hair dresser. Lake Powell is coming up. You can bet my coconut oil will be packed along side the sun block and snacks. I just love finding out, as usual, that the natural solution is always better.


  1. Plus, it's the perfect smell for summer!

  2. Wow...good tip! I have never heard of that.

  3. I've tried it in my hair too... I love it. By the way, I've always thought you have amazingly shiny, beautiful and healthy looking hair.

  4. i've been wanting to switch over to coconut oil, but don't fully understand how you use it on your hair and skin. does it just rinse out like a normal conditioner? and isn't it way to oily and thick to be used for your face? you need to offer a class on coconut oil for me!

  5. Coconut oil also does wonders for eczema. My little Noah benifited greatly from this fine oil.
    Hey do you have anymore cook books left? I would love to get two if you have anymore. Molly is coming up to visit in Oct and she could bring it for me. Let me know. Thanks

  6. Coconut oil also does wonders for eczema. My little Noah benifited greatly from this fine oil.
    Hey do you have anymore cook books left? I would love to get two if you have anymore. Molly is coming up to visit in Oct and she could bring it for me. Let me know. Thanks

  7. hi...came here through FB.
    you have a wonderful blog here and i am impressed with this coconut post....we in India use it all the time n it's truly a fabulous natural product.Also , the freshly extracted coconut milk is a better moisturizer n skin healer.
