Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Coconut Oil Q & A

I received lots of questions about coconut oil so here is a little Q & A session.

1. No, it does not leave you oily. The oil sinks right in to your skin. That is what is so great about it; it doesn't sit on top of your skin like lotion and leave your skin unable to breathe, trapped beneath chemicals.

2. It does not clog your pores and give you acne. I was afraid of this when I first ventured to put it on my face, but it left it smooth, soft and zit free.

3. You can use this for your hair not only at the beach but anytime. If I am going to wash my hair the next day, I put some in my hair the night before. Just a little to work it through. It does sink in so it doesn't leave your pillow oily. It will just wash out with warm water and shampoo the next day.

4. It is the best "lotion" for eczema and sensitive skin because it nourishes and doesn't cause allergic reactions.

5. I use it for my all-over lotion, head to toe.I put some in a tupperware container on my bathroom counter. Once the coconut oil is a little warm,which is room temperature in AZ, it is a liquid so you can add essential oils to it. Orange oil is great as this is an oil for building collagen and helps to tone skin and help with cellulite. Lavender is great to calm itching skin and help heal; wonderful for eczema. You can use coconut oil as a base for a toothpaste and add some spice of life oil. This oil kills bacteria which is the cause of tooth and gum decay. It has done wonders for my friends husband who struggled with gum disease for years. His dentist is amazed at what this has done for him and he swears by it.

6. It is great to cook with. You can use it in place of butter or oil. I love to pop popcorn with it with a little cinnamon and sea salt. Yum.

There you go. If there are more questions, ask away. You want to get a good quality oil; organic unrefined like Spectrum that can be purchased even at Wal Mart. The unrefined will smell like coconut, the refined will not.

I am just Koo Koo for Coconuts!


  1. wow, thanks shari! you answered so quickly. next time there's another sale on bulk coconut oil, i'd like to order some. does that happen often?

  2. I found Spectrum Organic Coconut Oil but it is Refined. The unrefined is what you recommend? Just want to clarify! Thank you oh Guru! :-)

  3. Unrefined is just a little less processed. Refined is still fine to use if you have it.

  4. I am going to try it. I bet my pillow will smell like coconut.
