Friday, September 25, 2009

B12 back in stock...

For those of you who eagerly emailed me to get your hands on the D3 and B12, it is back in stock. I will place your orders on Monday. So.....anyone else who wants some, let me know so I can get your order in also. Some of my other favorite supplements to have on hand , in case you are dying to know, are:

Activated Charcoal: Personal experience with this stuff. They give charcoal to drug overdose patients in the hospital. It absorbs the toxins and gets them out. Well, you can take this in pill form for the stomach flu, food poisoning, etc. It works real quick. I ate something that made me wake up in an enormous amount of stomach pain. I pulled out all my tricks; peppermint oil, Ease oil, etc...It helped but it didn't' go away. The next day upon waking, I was still in pain. I remembered my activated charcoal. 5 minutes later....all better. This is great to have on hand. $10 for 90 capsules.

Oreganol: oregano is a natural antibiotic and helps the body's natural defense system against yeast, bacteria, parasites and viruses. I love oregano oil but it is hard to give the hot essential oil to children and you want to make sure it is a good grade of oil to avoid contaminants. Oreganol is in a gel cap but is a high potency. It is great to give when you are feeling like something is coming on. $29 for 60 capsules.

Curcumin: This is a new one for me but I am really excited to add this to my collection. Many have heard of turmeric and this is part of that. Research has shown that curcumin is a natural anti-inflammatory. It is great for those with digestional tract issues and especially great for those with arthritis and joint issues. I have a friend who says she gave this to two people who suffer greatly from arthritis and in a matter of days, they were off their arthritis meds and no pain. I want this on hand for all of our sports injuries! So cheap at $16 for 120 capsules.

The germs are neighbors kids are already sick. Arm yourselves. You don't have to be one of them.

Have a great weekend. I will go a little lighter next week with recipes and other fluffy stuff. Promise.


  1. Could I get 2 of the Vit D and one of the Curcumin. Thank you! I am in your moms ward and I am Amy Greers sister Amanda.

  2. One thing of note with Curcumin, GO SLOW!!!! It is POTENT. I always recommend people start off with 1 cap in the morning, do that for a week. Then do one cap in the morning and one cap in the afternoon for a week. Gradually work up to 2 in the morning, 2 in the evening. But, Shari, I can give you some of the side effects. If a body has a lot of pathogens, heavy die off CAN occur (not usually but it is potent!). Let me know if you want that, it's off Dr. Woeller's site.

  3. Hey Amanda!

    I have you down. Email me so I can get your email

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I sent you an e mail with some questions about ordering. I want some of them too! Thanks Shari!

  6. Just read your post on Tate!! I'm so excited for him & your family. He really is an angel. I couldn't be more happy for you & your family.

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