Monday, February 1, 2010

Merrill + Mary

He: is really smart, loves basketball, a great listener, nickname - ears

She: loves to dance in her car, read books, is a talker, favorite color is green

Together: they will love and adore their little one and will be forever grateful for their birth mother for doing for them what they couldn't do for themselves.

Everyone deserves to be called "mama" and I have a special friend that would love nothing more than to hear those words. So, just in case you know of a special little angel that would need a home or hear anything through the grapevine, please send that little angel their way. Trust me, they are just perfect for the job.

Visit their adoption website here.


  1. Jeff and Melissa's friend Meredith works with an adoption agency and has found two children for themselves... and many for members of their ward.
    I have her phone number if you are interested.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. What a neat couple! We were on the adoption list, "journey", for a while before I got pregnant with our little miracle baby! Now, pregnant again, who would have guessed?! I have a strong testimony of adoption. I will for sure keep their profile bookmarked to share if I have the opportunity to do so. They seem like such a wonderful family! I Loved their video clips!
