I had a meeting with Tate's "team" at school yesterday. They psychologist, his speech and occupational therapists and his teacher. They have done a huge file folder full of tests on this guy from IQ to standardized Autism spectrum tests to try to figure out his little brain and where to place him next year for kindergarten. They have all come to the conclusion that Tate is a complex character and he doesn't fit any mold. No news to me. They all agreed that Tate is one lovable and cute kid who just loves life. I agreed. They agreed based upon tests and observations that he doesn't really fit totally into the Autism mold anymore but does have some delays and cognitive issues impairing his typical function. Agreed. After a few hours of conversation on "who" Tate is with me listening to all of their research, they started to ask me questions. I was then the teacher. They asked me "what have you done?" What is all of this "biomedical" intervention that you have done with him and why is it working? They have noticed leaps and bounds in him this last year and have noticed that he doesn't have the Autism characteristics that he once had. They wanted to know what the magic potion is.
First off, they told me that after I had told them a while back that I take a biomedical approach, they had to google that term. They didn't even know about it. Sad but typical. They are now believing that there must be something there after seeing Tate and seeing other kids on the spectrum who don't go that route. They wanted more info. I was happy to oblige.
I gave them the lowdown. I told them that the kiddo's on the spectrum almost always have issues with their gut in one way or another. That because of the stomach issues, every other system in the body can be impaired. They deal with yeast issues, bacteria growth, parasites, heavy metal toxicity, absorption issues and the list goes on. I promised them that if therapy was the only thing these kids got, they would NEVER be cured. They would only learn how to regurgitate info they learned but never really be better. I told them that this was never acceptable to me. I wanted to heal my son. I wanted him to feel good, feel happy, be apart of his world. The problem for most families is cost and time. It takes everything you have. You have to cook all their food yourself. You have to do endless research. You have to spend lots of cash on Biomedical Dr's and you have to never give up. But, as I told them, this is your child and they are worth it. We would give our lives for them, right? They asked question after question. It was a good discussion.
I know that many of you face Autism in your life. It is an epidemic. I know it is overwhelming. I know money can be stopping you from going further but there are options out there. There is a great Dr., Dr. Kurt Woeller who understands this and has a website where you can get everything you need. Best yet, it is only $37 per month. And, even right now the initial membership cost of $97 is waived. With this monthly service, you get access to him. You can order bloodtests, print prescriptions to take to your physician and can email Dr. Woeller with any questions you have. There are pages full of information to answer more questions than you think you had. There are guides to help you know what supplements you might want and He uses New Beginnings supplements so you know he has my vote on that. He is a leading authority in Biomedical treatment for autism and has many of the top guru's on his team in feeding, speech and nutrition as well. You get to participate in weekly video conferencing, read lectures on all topics needed, ask questions, participate and parent forums and even have downloads on understanding labs. It is a great resource. You are getting the Biomedical approach but instead of paying $500 per hour, you get it for $37 per month. I have been paying the high price for 3 years and have recently switched over to Dr. Woeller and realize that I am getting all I need with him, and more. I look forward to the hours ahead of me in research I can get from his site. I am ready to learn even more.
Check out his site. You can link to it to the right off the cute little action hero picture. You can even order the supplements directly from me to save on shipping. If you are faced with Autism, I promise, you will love it. You will find answers. You can help save your little action hero. It works but it takes all you got. So worth it!
I came across your blog awhile ago and I continue to visit, but I don't think I've commented until now. There must be a reason for all of this and it must be this post.
ReplyDeleteI have a son who I suspect has some form of Autism, but I'm not sure. I went to his Parent/Teacher conference and they left me in tears. Their comments ranged from, "We are just trying to figure your son out" to "He doesn't care to interact socially with the other kids". I don't know where to go with that. I'm not sure where to go or how to go about having him tested. I don't know enough about autism to say that he definitely has it, but some of the behaviors fit and some don't.
At any rate I love this post, love your blog and enjoy reading all the great information you share.
One of my sons has fought a long hard battle with his gut. It has nearly exhausted me. The past 2 days we have been to the naturalpath (sp?) and back for more x-rays. I spoke with another doctor. This problem wrecks this kid's world. I really need some help.
ReplyDeleteMan I love Taters. He is such a blessing to our whole family!
ReplyDeleteShari, I don't say it enough to you, but you are amazing! You are one fierce mama!! Tate isn't just lucky to have you...his whole life is blessed by having you as his mother! I'm so proud of all Tate has accomplished and of your never-quit attitude! I hope you can teach those therapists a thing or two!!
ReplyDeleteAwe, thanks Laurie and thanks to your cute girls for being so sweet with him! He sure loves Chloe, well, most of the time! Women can be so overbearing!
ReplyDeleteHi, this is Pricilla, your blog stalker that made a huge comment recently. I love this and I will be using this powerful resource as well. I know you touched on therapy, and I just wanted to say that I am a huge advocate for ABA therapy, which is proven to be affective and have seen miracles with it for our son. We have done very little biomed in the past and with the help of an intensive one on one ABA program(we moved our family to another state to get the best available), my son went from nearly nonverbal and nonreceptive to language at 3 1/2 to a mainstreamed fully functional 1st grader. We learned the methods and integrated it into our daily lives with him and even though at first it did seem like regurgitation, it helped him learn how to learn and see the world around him and how to have motivation. I believe this helped him form neuropathways in his brain. He never stops asking questions about anything and everything now, just so eager to learn. At this point I still worry about sensory issues with him, so I am seeking the biomed route again for that and I believe that will be a huge piece for him. But I can't downplay how much therapy has helped. I guess I just wanted to throw this little testimony out because with the tools I have learned with the ABA program(he has graduated from it now)I am empowered every day because I know how to teach him and keep him motivated and help him be successful. After seeing our miracles(I know you have with your son too), I believe in my heart that my little hero will lose his diagnosis one day. I admire your strength and courage in all of your posts, you are so inspiring:)
ReplyDeleteCouldn't agree with you more, Pricilla about the need for therapy. I am a huge advocate to get as much therapy as early as possible. I just wanted to emphasize that therapy alone without a biomed approach also would never heal a child. I think you are right on track to persuing the biomed treatment now to help with sensory issues. So glad to hear about he great progress you are making with your son. You are a mother warrior and your son's life will be forever changed because of you!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful blog. Just came across this today. Can't wait to read more. It inspired my post today on my blog. Thank you. :)