Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Don't it make my brown eyes.....green?

(Crystal Gale song in case you are too young to know what my post title is about)

I am a chocolate eyed girl, the daughter of a chocolate eyed mom who is also the daughter of a chocolate eyed mom. I married a chocolate eyed man and gave birth to five chocolate eyed children.
One day,
chocolate eyed child number 4 blurted out that his eyes were turning green. I just happened to humor this always talking chocolate eyed boy and went to take a look. You can imagine my surprise when I peered into those eyes and beheld that he indeed was telling the truth. His eyes were turning green. There was only a hint of brown in the inner circle. I quickly grabbed chocolate eyed child number 3, then chocolate eyed child number 2 and so on. All of them were going green. Chocolate husband, same thing. Number 5 was still chocolaty. I ran to the mirror and what did I see?

Yep! A Green eyed girl. What in the world. I have never heard of such a thing. Ever. I googled immediately and sure enough, it happens. People are finding that after they switch to a vegetarian type diet/raw diet or do a cleanse, their eye color can change to a brighter color and vision can become clearer. They are being "cleaned" so to speak. My only remaining chocolate eyed child is Tate who is still eating meat almost daily due to his malabsorption issues. I told my mom and she had just done a big cleanse and had noticed the same effect. I had an email also from someone who noticed the same thing and have read countless pages on the web all stating the same phenomenon. Crazy. I guess us chocolate babies need purification. Turns out, those with blue eyes can have even brighter shades also when cleansed and eating cleaner.

I was amazed. It's just plain weird. We will see if they stick. I guess I can tell now when I need a good cleanse, it's all in the eyes. True story.

***Hope you all enjoy my new layout. I have added a search box on the side so you can find information a little easier.


  1. Oh, good. I've been waiting for this post ever since you gave us a little teaser about it a few weeks ago.
    My husband's eyes turned from brown to green when he was younger. I'm still waiting for mine to turn colors...

  2. That is crazy....
    I love your new blog look!

  3. i can't believe that!
    i'm going to go check all my babies' eyes now.
    i just had one brown eyed to start with though.
    and your header is beautiful.

  4. I like the new look of your blog, sista. BTW, what template did you use to make your text wider? I have the same template (minima) that you used to have, and all my text and pics were limited to that more narrow column width? I want to go bigger!

  5. interesting! My mom said I had the most crystal clear blue eyes when I was a little girl, but now they aren't. They are a dull green. I'm sure my diet has something to do with it. I'm trying to eat cleaner/vegetarianish so I'm interested to see what happens after a while.

  6. First off...LOVE the new look! So refreshing! Makes me want to eat a fresh juicy orange! :)

    Totally off subject-I have a soaking question for you...

    I have seen the soaking information about leaving the oats in buttermilk sitting on the counter for 24 hrs. Won't the buttermilk go bad?! It just goes against everything in me to leave any kind of milk out that long and then eat it! I think I am officially a "soaking wimp"! :)

  7. First off, I soak my oats in water and lemon juice then rinse. But, I do soak other grains in buttermilk and kefir and I couldn't handle this at first also. Try setting a jar of milk on the counter to make kefir! I didn't want to taste it. But, with a culture, it works. You wouldn't do this with regular milk. YOu need a cultured milk. I promise, it is totally safe and done all around the world.

  8. That is crazy Shari! I hope my blue eyes go brighter! I love your new layout!

    I am going to eamil you for information on Green Bee Produce. We are trying to get our kids school to do it!
