Sunday, September 26, 2010

Soy Sauce, Piano lessons and nuts

I am sure I had you at the post title! Attention grabber for sure. We will first talk about soy sauce.

I was talking to a friend the other night about cooking from scratch and why it is so important. She then told me about a recipe she made and we started talking about the actual ingredients of the "home cooked" meal. It contained soy sauce. Lots of it. Since it was made from home and full of veggies, she thought it was a great, healthy meal. What she didn't know is that the soy sauce is not healthy. It contained salt (lots),
Hydrolyzed soy protein ( a form of msg), corn syrup, caramel color and potassium sorbate. Nothing in that concoction is healthy. Nothing.

Healthy cooking must be scrutinized. If we have the intention of making a good home cooked meal, it is important that we use good, healthy ingredients. Why go through the effort if we are just adding chemicals and toxins into our food that we are avoiding at the fast food joints?

There are other options out there. I had just posted about using Bragg's liquid amino's if you read that and now I have to recount. My good friend, Terri informed me that they use hydrochloric acid to process the soybeans and have had to even remove the "No MSG" label since it contains glutames. Great. I love to recant posts! So, she informed me of an even better solution:
Coconut Aminos. You can get it at Whole Foods or even from Azure Standard. I am sure you could find it on Amazon as well. You can check it out at the website here.

Sorry for having to amend what I said. Hopefully it was before you went out and bought it. In any case, Bragg's is still much better than the other soy sauces.

Next topic: Piano lessons.

My daughter who is 14 is teaching beginner piano lessons and can take a few more students. We are in the Higley/Elliot area and she will teach at our home or yours if close by. She is wonderful with kids and is an amazing piano player. She has taken lessons for years and will teach beginner students at $10 per 1/2 hour lesson. First come , first serve.

Last topic: Nuts

My fellow Enlightened Homemaker, Linda Heywood is taking orders for the "Nutty Guy" in Utah due by October 4th. There are amazing deals on all sorts of nuts, seeds, dry fruit and sweets. She is going to Utah to get the orders and is doing this as a favor for all us here in AZ. They even have organic nuts and some unpasteurized almonds.

If you are interested, email me and I will shoot you over the order form.

****Last plug, I am ordering the supplements at noon tomorrow (Monday) for those still wanting products. Email me what you need.

Have a great Monday! I love school days!


  1. Shari--Just a little bit of info you might pass on to your readers. The only Soy Sauce I have ever used is Kikkoman brand. It is naturally brewed and uses NO artificial ingredients ("Kikkoman Soy Sauce is produced using only water, soybeans, wheat and salt")--from their official web-site, which also has some great information about the quality of their Soy Sauce compared to "Chinese" soy sauce which has artificial ingredients and additives).No need to give up Soy Sauce! And the flavor is wonderful!

  2. Betsy,

    Thanks for the info. The benefit of Braggs over Kikkoman is that there isn't salt or wheat which is a problem for many gluten intolerant folks. The other issue is certifying that it is Non genetically motified which is a huge deal. Soy can be toxic if it is modified which almost all of it is now a day. That is why I am against all soy milk and soy protein powders. They took a great food and destroyed it like so many others.

  3. Ah, yes, Wheat and Salt. Those can be a problem for some. I still thought it was interesting to note that Kikkoman is naturally brewed (i.e. NOT modified)and not "chemically produced" (which is the process that causes the problem). Why do so many of the manufacturers out there mess with the products we love???

  4. Great post! I definately would like to try the Coconut Aminos. Thanks:)

  5. I use the Braggs and soy sauce. If you are not ready to give up your old soy try using an organic one. It will not be genetically motified. Generally, it will also not contain the other fillers. However, you still need to read the label as I have found they are not organically making some of the corn produced fillers. Not a fan of coconut so probably won't be drawn to the cocnut aminos.

  6. Ooops! I meant they are now making some of the corn fillers organically.

  7. Thanks for all your post, I am just getting into all this stuff, and have seen great results with my son. CAn you send me an order form for the nuts? Thanks!
