Tuesday, October 19, 2010

So long to summer....

It seems like it has been summer forever here in AZ. I mean, it gets a bit ridiculous when it is still 100 degrees in October. But, "They" say it is over. "They" say we are now in an official cool down. Beautiful. However, I have a bit of sadness as it means that my summer produce is about done. I LOVE summer produce. Really. Since I like to stick with what is mainly in season, this means that I will be missing fresh berries and melons, peaches and nectarines. Winter just doesn't give me as much to work with so I am using up what I can these last few weeks of summer bounty. Tonight we had some of the last fresh picked, local corn....again. We served it up in a tasty "sweet" dinner.

It started with these few items hanging around in my kitchen: The "Sweet" ingredients: sweet onions, sweet corn, sweet potatoes. 

Hmmm, what to do with them.

We already had our meat dishes for the week so it needed to be vegetarian. I still had those delicious whole grain tortillas in the fridge so naturally they were going to join the party. The weather was beautiful so I preferred to be outside grilling. It came together rather nice. 

I will call it my "Sweet Stuffed Quesadilla"

If you would like to make this tasty meal up for your family, here you go. Enjoy.

Sweet Stuffed Quesadilla

3 cups coarsely grated sweet potato
1 cup chopped sweet onion
2 cups fresh, sweet corn 
2 cloves garlic, minced
4 T. oil
1/2 t. dried oregano
2 t. ground cumin
generous pinch of cayenne
salt and pepper to taste
Spanish rice
grated Mexican cheese

Make Spanish rice. I used Basmati cooked per instructions and added 1 cup fresh salsa per the 2 cups of dry rice. (pureed type salsa, not chunky)  Set aside.Would be great and more nutritious with Brown rice as well.

Saute onions in oil until limp then add sweet potatoes, fresh or frozen sweet corn, garlic and spices. Do not add salt until done. Saute just until tender, not mushy. Salt and pepper to taste.

Oil underside of tortilla then spread rice, then "Sweet" mixture and then some cheese on one half of tortilla. Fold in half and then put on the grill. Make sure the grill is not too hot.  Flip over when golden. Careful not to loose your filling! 

Serve with some fresh salsa and a great Southwest salad. Watermelon would be nice too.

P.S. If you see some of that great , local corn at the farmers market, grab it, slice it off and freeze it up. Lay the corn on it's side to slice off instead of standing it up. It is much easier to get all the corn off. 


  1. Looks delicious!! I will have to give this combination a try. I love the Fall and all the colors here in Utah, but I dread the thought of winter coming too. Not fun shoveling snow or being cold....At least we are having a wonderfully warm October.

  2. I LOVE this time of year in AZ. Do you do a late summer garden? My tomatoes, tomatillos and zucchini and cucumbers are just setting. My melon vines even recovered from the heat and I have a few little guys out there. Peppers FLOURISH this time of year and am using my thinned onions and greens. And am so excited for the citrus next month!!

  3. I usually still have a garden full but I decided to rip everything out and totally stir up my soil with new organic matter. It needed a real good stirring and revamping. Haven't done it for a while, I usually carry over many plants. Hopefully my fresh start yields a great return! What interesting things are you planting?

  4. Which Farmer's Market do you go to or like?

  5. I most often go to a market by my house on Power road between Elliot and Warner. Any produce that is labeled "local" is also organic. They have free range, local eggs and beef as well. Prices are great. There is also a great market on Friday mornings on Center and University. Those are my "spots".

  6. I am doing some heirloom varieties that I got from pine tree seeds; dinosaur kale, lemon cukes, speghetti squash, snap peas, red apple onions. I got my first grey zucchini today! I had a bunch of volunteer tomatoes come up because after canning tomatoes, someone put the scraps in the wrong bin. I transplanted quite a few to my tomato row and gave the rest away, I am excited to see what they end up being, I canned quite a few varieties, but most of them were the tomatoes on the vine from the Backyard Farmer. Did you get an organic basket this week? Mine was really nice.

  7. Sounds like a good crop, Kara. I am finally getting mine in on Monday. A little late this year for me. I did get the Organics basket today. good variety. I am going to make your butternut gnocci, can't wait. What are you doing with your cranberries?

  8. Freezing them for Thanksgiving :)

    Happy planting!
