Monday, November 22, 2010

Being Thankful

It is Thanksgiving week, my very favorite holiday of the year. I get sad at the fact that it is so covered up by Christmas. The stores are full of "Christmas" way too early thus, cutting us short of the Thanksgiving season. I don't like to even touch Christmas until I have celebrated my Thankful season, even if that means I get to cram gift buying into a few weeks. 

Thanksgiving is family, relaxation, food, gratefulness. No stress of gifts or fitting in all the parties. It is just a perfect week and I am already daydreaming about sleeping in and pumpkin pies.

Gratitude is so very important and I think that it is something that many of us don't pay enough homage to. Sometimes I think we get caught up in the hard times of this world; job issues, financial strain, our political system, family issues. We forget how really wonderful we have it. We are blessed simply by living in American, if nothing else. There isn't a morning I don't come down my stairs and think what a beautiful house I have. It isn't very big or decorated perfectly, but it is a beautiful home to me. A home that feels like a home where my children love to bring friends and hang out in. I am blessed indeed. I don't want to ever not be thankful for my life.

I want to remember some of the things I am thankful for this year and hope you are all taking a moment to write some of your "thanks" for the year. Here's a bit of my list:

My children
My husband who serves me daily 
My parents, in laws, great SIL's and brother in law
Eating lunch with my grandparents on Wednesday
My new toaster oven
Green smoothies
My garden
My house
My friends who lift me up and teach me to serve
My great visiting teachers
The Internet
Living in Gilbert
My children's good friends
The new LDS temple being built in Gilbert
My scriptures
The gospel of Jesus Christ
My savior
The opportunity to serve
My brain still able to learn and retain
My strong, healthy body
My husband's job
Ability to buy organic food and local produce
All my kitchen gadgets and cookware
Flip flops
Endless recipe's online
Being able to stay home with my children
My children's healthy bodies
That Tate can now say, "No thank you, mom" clear as day.
Az weather
The Backyard Farmer delivering organic produce to my door.
Church leaders
Personal revelation and inspiration
Natural Medicine
The beauty of nature
Clean windows and floors
Mulled cider candles
Sweet potatoes
Liberty Market restaurant
My cute preschool kids
Good Jeans
My blogging friends

......That's just a touch of it. I am just so thankful for life. What a blessed person I am. 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I have lots to share but will just have to wait until after I celebrate my Thankful days.

Be grateful. 


  1. I am grateful for you. You have changed my life in the short time I have been following your blog. You inspire me. Thank you.

  2. I am right there with you! I LOVE Thanksgiving and get so resentful when Christmas just creeps closer and closer. I told Eric today that soon we will skip it altogether and get right to shopping and then we see a Walmart ad saying they are open ALL day Thanksgiving so you can get an early start on Black Friday?!?! What?!?! Anyways, I am thankful for you friend. Enjoy your holiday!!!

  3. shari, you are definitely on my thankful list. i am endlessly grateful for all that you teach me and help me with.

    happy thanksgiving.
