Thursday, December 30, 2010

Family Time

     I hope you all soaked in the family love this holiday season. Sleeping in, eating a relaxed breakfast, late night games and movies and having my kids home have been a holiday blessing. I have enjoyed almost every moment of it. I love seeing the oldest (17) take the youngest (6 year old Tate) under his wing and teach him how to imagine. I came home one day to this note on the door from the 17-year-old who was home watching Tate. He was gone for two hours with Tate. He armed him with a sword, his crocs and pajamas. They hit the parks to slay dragons. They found a few Jedi Warriors (neighbor kids with light sabers) along the way to also fight. It was a great adventure and I was glad to see they had made it back alive. I had one of those mommy moments when my heart did a little flutter to see how cute kids can be sometimes. Especially teenager kids. I love to see my children play together and enjoy moments. Despite the bad raps teenagers can have, I have some pretty amazing ones. 

     I have been thinking lots about the New Year. I love to make resolutions. I love the chance to better myself or at least attempt it. Last year it was all about doing "Hard Things" and although I would still like to keep pushing this motto further, a new one is coming. I have only a few days left to put it to work. You are just going to have to wait until the New Year to find out.

     Along with that new idea is another new idea I have been thinking about....Hmmm. Yep. Your going to have to wait for that too. I don't want to miss another moment of my kids being home. We have games to play so I will talk a little further right after the New Year strikes.

Enjoy all the little moments. Take time to appreciate it all. Some of my favorite moments from this holiday season:

 ....Seeing the beautiful fall colors in Utah for Thanksgiving
 ......Seeing a super cute husband skate down the hills like he was a teenager.
 ......Tate wearing this elf hate for 8 days straight. He waited so patiently for present time!
.....Shooting in the desert with the family and watching the kids take shooting lessons from their dad. 

Good times had by all. Only a few days left before I ship them back to school. I think I will be ready by then. I am quite sure they will not be.


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