Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A rant of sorts.


     Believe it or not, I am not a preacher. I want to preach. I want to scream at people who feed their children blue yogurt. I want to grab every expectant mother and tell them to not give her newborn child a vaccine in the hospital. I want to tell every mom to stop giving their child pasteurized milk to drink. But...... I don't. Mostly. If you ask, I will tell you. If you don't, you can either read my blog where I get to let it all out or live in your world of ignorant bliss.

    Today, I have about had it. I have had a week of story after story of health issues. Serious health issues. Health issues that could have been changed. I have had some great talks with women who have changed their lives in very hard ways to overcome health problems. But what makes me crazy tonight is that for the most part, moms aren't getting it. If you stop by this blog and many other great nutrition blogs out there, hopefully you are getting it or at least are working on getting it. My rant tonight goes out to those who don't want to get it because it is just easier to not get it. Unfortunately, they aren't reading this.

     The problem is that ignorance is the disease. I talked with my SIL today who is not taking her disease at face value. She is doing all possible to change the outcome. We talked about how this world we live in now is so totally different than anything we have or anyone ever to be born has lived in. It is full of toxins, pesticides, dead food, diseased animals, seeds that are sown with pesticides, tap water full of heavy metals, toys full of mercury, vaccine overload, antibiotic overuse, etc., etc.  The world has never seen this. There is almost nothing that is untouched. 

     I look at this picture I took of my precious children as we hiked this past week. How are they ever going to make it in this world we live in? It is scary. One thing I know, I will do all in my power to give them every benefit they can to make it. They need some sort of chance and it is my responsibility. I have to teach them. I need to be the role model.

     I talked to a good friend this week who's body has shut down on her at a very young age. She is very active, very adorable. She decided to take control of her life and try to win it back. She is learning what really is in food and what she did to her body with protein drinks and Diet soda's. She is angry that she did it to herself. She is also upset that her mother never gave her any tools to teach her the importance of food. She never had veggies. She lived on fast food. She wonders what it would have been like if she had had a head start. She is determined now that her children will learn from her the value of food. I am so very proud of her.

     I can't imagine what world our children are going to face. I am not even talking crimes here. I am strictly talking about the one thing we all must have; food and water and the basic needs in life. Politics are against us. Our crops have been taken over by big business that have sown round up into our seeds. The FDA wants to stop us from getting supplements. Our water has fluoride in it which is banned in most other countries. The list goes on. We went from 1 in 10,000 with autism just decades ago and now it is at least 1 in 90. 1 in 60 in boys. Will anyone be safe in the next decades? Scary thought. 

    It is time to take it seriously. You need to take care of yourselves so your children don't have to take care of you and have the stress of an ailing parent. You need to take care of your children so that their mind can work properly and their bodies can enjoy life. They need the tools for their futures and it is no ones responsibility buy yours. No ones. 

     Watch Food Inc. Read books. Buy organic food. Buy real food. Stop buying fast food. Cook dinner. Stop buying sugar cereal. Pack your kids lunch. Make them eat their veggies. Be the mean mom. Mean moms rule.

    There's my rant. I have to get it out so I won't yell at that mom at Walmart with the blue yogurt. I will just pass her and give her a little smile. She won't know it is a smile of sympathy....sympathy for her kids. 


  1. Loved this rant. The best way is to live by example and little by little, others will hear a bit and want to follow. I am amazed how much power we have over our health. I agree...the world is a scary place, but I find so much comfort in knowing that I am doing my very best to give my kids a wonderful start. Props to you Shari for sharing this knowledge!

  2. I was the child that was raised on fast food. I now have a child and what a change! I want to nurture my little guy and give him every chance to live a long successful life! Your wonderful post on immunizing that my sister sent me was the beginning journey in a 'new' life. But as the person above said, live by example, its the most effective! I so think the same thing when seeing a 1 year old eating a happy meal.

  3. You rock! And I need to still improve some things...

  4. I can't even begin to tell you how timely this is. I want so badly to help people, but for most it is easier to deal with chemo or take meds than change their diet.

  5. You are not ranting, you are encouraging. You are not ranting, you are passionate about raising healthy children with healthy habits....and - most amazingly - you are willing to put forth the effort, planning, and energy required to deliver this gift to them daily.
    Your blog is a big inspiration for me as I, too, try to nurture healthy habits for my husbnad, our three precious sons, and myself. Thank you!

  6. Amen! I wish at least one of my close friends felt this way so I didn't always look like the crazy one. Somedays I am thankful my son has a food allergy cause it forced me to look at labels to see what me and my family are eating. Then came Food Inc., that changed us. I just wish this world was raw and natural. So much junk out there. I am proud to say as a mom that my son has no clue what fast food tastes like or what the "golden arches" are. I like that he asks for coconut milk instead of "cows milk" However, we did experience the Children's Museum today. That was fun :)

  7. Tirsa - I feel the same as you, very grateful for food allergies - they have changed our path and though hard at times, I am thankful.

  8. I got to your blog by some links. I do not necessarily disagree with what you say, but you do need to read a bit more about history. Where people drank beer because the water was not safe, where decaying bodies contaminated the water, where children died all the time from diarria, where women died in child birth regularly, where a simple illness killed. Things are MUCH safer now than ever - put it in perspective please.

  9. Wow. Your rant seems a bit self-righteous. I'm happy that you feel you have found what is best for your family. However, I believe that most people choose the blue yogurt out of pure ignorance and not just because of laziness. I think you are doing a great job sharing your knowledge and understanding with your blog and cookbook. I am just disappointed at how it appears you have forgotten that you were once ignorant too (based on your written past). And I must agree with Paula Douglas in regards to the history of food and health. We have been blessed with a lot of things that are considered recent: e.g. cleaner water, fewer widespread diseases, lower mortality rate, etc. Perspective is necessary or it can all become overwhelming.

  10. The problem with today versus history is that our diseases now are man made. Man didn't create the flu. Man did create autism and largely cancer causing elements. It is different. Glad we have cleaner water but we are changing it back into contaminated water. It is just a slower death.

  11. Anonymous,

    I am sorry I sound self righteous. For the record, I have never in my life bought anything blue even before I learned what I know now. It never seemed right. I blog because I want moms to think when they feed their family. As far as comments on our safer world now... we had a period when we changed the path of disease and cleaned it up, then , it changed. We are headed back to more disease then we have ever seen and if I have to rant to help change that, then I will. Sometimes you have to say things a little tough to make people think. I am ok with sounding a little nasty sometimes. I don't want any mom to think it is OK to buy blue yogurt. Thank goodness so many are getting the point.

  12. First autism was the result of mom not loving or rejecting the child before or soon after birth. Can you believe how long they got away blaming mom for autism? Now it's immunizations. Only recently that theory has been tainted by the recent report proving fraud.

    I am a mom to a son recently diagnosed. He was adopted from overseas at a year old. He is 4. Even I wanted to I couldn't figure out what he was exposed to before he was born and that first year. I have no family history.I come to this diagnosis at a confusing time. The community is
    definitely set in their belief for and against. The medical
    community doesn't know a darn thing. Their track record
    sucks. Mom, vaccines, what is next?

    Why more boys than girls if not genetic? There is a family of 6 in Utah and all on the spectrum. And they have boys and girls.

    Mabye it is parental age being later, maybe it is too closely spacing kids, maybe it more kids surviving the measles and flu epidemics means more kids live to an age where autism can be diagnosed?

    I say eat what you think best.

  13. Autism is a product of so many things that there will never be one thing pinned down. That is the hard thing. Boys get it more than girls because testosterone plays a role. Since a majority of kids on the spectrum also have gut issues, there has to be a link to what we are doing to our food and our antibiotics. Throw in immunizations that then add in the metals and we are a mess. There are also many links to epidurals and pitocin that are fairly new to our world. So many variables. But, I do know with supplements, therapy and diet, autism is being reversed. I see it first hand. That is just proof that what we eat matters and for my son, I couldn't just do what I wanted, I had to do everything in my power or he would not be functioning like he is today.

  14. Would I feel better that he get polio than chance autism? If that is even a risk factor?

    What I am trying to say is, I believe nobody. I will have a hard time believing the next ah ha moment.

    Funny we played with gluten free and all it did was change my kid's once a day or maybe skipping one day to maybe two days in a row, maybe once in 3? All the rice stuff instead of cheerio made him less regular. No allergies. From the tests.

    Whatever makes life easier for you. God bless.

    But it makes me mad that to add to the diagnosis of autism so many years ago was the declaration it was mom's fault. Salt in a wound and poppycock to boot. Then the immunization. Prevention of polio is somehow to blame? A good thing a parent would do. Those who knew people who got it were so happy when a vaccine was developed. And now to read that the researcher falsified report data. Those parents of kids who didn't immunize based on fears and got something that could maybe have been prevented with a vaccine must feel so betrayed with the findings.

    Who can be trusted?

  15. Just to be clear, I don't blame autism solely on immunizations at all. They have done much good but they are way too many immunizations now and they are part of the equation. Only part. Like I said, so many variables and each child is different. I have never blamed one thing and no one does. Gluten/dairy free is also not the answer for many but many who try it don't do it 100% or don't do it long enough to see a difference. It is also much more than taking away gluten and dairy, you have to add in all the good. It is a long process of learning and trying new approaches. I don't think I will ever have it all figured out. Ever. But....I will never stop trying.

  16. I am so grateful to you for blogging not only this "rant" but everything you blog about. You have really helped me change things in my household. Thank you and keep the rants and the amazing information coming.

  17. Oh, I love your blog! Tonight as I was cooking dinner from scratch for my kids I wished for a second that I could just have the convenience on macaroni and cheese once again, as I was tired and not feeling good. Thank you for reminding me why I have made the changes I have. You are such an inspiration!

  18. Amen Sista. I feel the same way about wanting to rant, and fearing/bracing myself for the crap to hit the fan in the generations to come. I'm so glad you have this blog. Thanks for all the work you put into it.
