Monday, March 21, 2011

Fast Food.

When you take pictures in a dark kitchen, the photo looks less than appetizing. Sorry about that. I cook, not take pictures. Take my word for it, it was yummy.

Sunday I had a great dinner planned with Shish kabobs and roasted rosemary potatoes. However, when it came down to it, only a few of us were going to be there to eat it. Since I only cook meat once to twice a week, I decided that the absentee teenagers would prefer I do the "meat" meal the following night. The problem was that it was now 5 pm and I didn't know what to make. I needed to do something quick. 

I am trying to use up some healthy lentils so I tried out this lentil chili recipe with some corn fritters. It was a great, quick meal. It took less than 20 minutes to have it all done. Of course, I did use a pressure cooker so add on about 15 minutes if you don't own one yet. Lentils are so great for you and you can really put about anything you want in this chili. I stuck with the recipe this time, a rare thing for me. I think I would add some celery and carrots but it tasted great and completely meatless. The corn fritters were perfect with it. I loved to eat a little piece of them with every spoonful of chili. With fresh corn that will be here in the summer, these corn fritters will be a regular, I am sure. I used the Costco organic sweet white corn. Fresh corn will be even better.

Lentil Chili

8 cups vegetable or chicken broth
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
1 large red bell pepper, chopped
5 cloves garlic, finely chopped
4 teaspoons chili powder
2 1/4 cups lentils
2  15 oz cans diced tomatoes
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
salt and pepper to taste

Saute veggies in some olive oil until a little tender, about 5 minutes. Add broth, lentils and chili powder. Pressure cook for about 7 minutes on the second ring. Then add the tomatoes, cilantro, salt and pepper and simmer until soft. If you are not using a pressure cooker, after sauteing the veggies, add broth, lentils, chili powder and tomatoes and simmer after bringing to boil for about 30 minutes or until soft. Add Cilantro when lentils are tender. 

Corn Fritters
(Martha Stewart recipe)

2 cups corn, fresh or frozen (thaw first)
1/3 cup milk
1 large egg
1 tsp sugar or sweetener of choice
1/2 tsp. baking powder
celtic salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup corn meal
1/4 cup sprouted spelt flour ( or flour of choice)
coconut oil to fry

Add all ingredients together and fry on a skillet in a couple tablespoons of coconut oil. Keep them warm in the oven until ready to eat. 


  1. I have to try the lentil chili , it looks yummy

  2. We eat lentil chili quite often, we all love it. But never with corn fritters! YUM! I am going to have to try those. Thanks for posting.

  3. i made this for my family tonight and we LOVED it, especially the fritters! having them both together was super yummy!!! thanks for sharing!!!
