Meat glue? Yep, it's true. If you want to solidify the fact that you need to choose grass-fed , organic beef or go vegetarian completely, read this article today from Mercola. If you dare.
Oh yeah - I just saw that video the other day, too. Disgusting! I'm glad to have a ton of of grass-fed beef in my freezer, but it makes me wonder when I eat a steak at a restaurant... Also it makes me never want to buy those pork loin 'rolls' again - they look just like the stuff in that video. I think I better stock up my freezer with organic/good-fed chicken and other meat too, for sure!
Oh yeah - I just saw that video the other day, too. Disgusting! I'm glad to have a ton of of grass-fed beef in my freezer, but it makes me wonder when I eat a steak at a restaurant... Also it makes me never want to buy those pork loin 'rolls' again - they look just like the stuff in that video. I think I better stock up my freezer with organic/good-fed chicken and other meat too, for sure!