Saturday, July 30, 2011

Abigail Fights Cancer

I know many of you have followed little Abigail's story and have helped monetarily with her fight. A little update....her little body has been through so much and as of now, is cancer free. They still have a long road ahead though, to keep the cancer from coming back. For the Goss family, it means back and forth trips to NYC and costly care. The Goss family has set up a great website for any who are able to help, even very small donations. They would also love any donated frequent flyer miles! If there is any business out there who would like to make a charitable donation as well or someone looking for a fundraising opportunity, take a look at the website for information.

Thanks for your help. They are such a sweet family that are angels on this earth. I love them dearly. Check them out here.

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