Friday, January 20, 2012

Take a second....Educate.

I am just a bit frustrated today. I just can't handle watching what kids are eating. I am so very sad for them. I am tired of moms asking me about what to do for their kids with ADD and ADHD and everything in between but they fill them with processed food and chemicals with no desire to change. I am tired of seeing kids dip everything in ranch dip which , unless you make it yourself from scratch, is full of harmful MSG. Pure adulteration of a carrot. There is rarely a packaged food that doesn't contain MSG and Soy proteins not to mention High Fructose Corn Syrup and Aspartame. These chemicals are destroying our bodies. They are altering these little minds. 

My plea today, read this long article here, and learn a little bit. I know most of you who stop by my blog are well aware of what is in our food but this article just confirms even more so the importance of how we need to eat. Pass it on. The article is long and at first, a bit technical and boring but read on. I love Dr. Blaylock. He is a neurosurgeon and knows what he is talking about. I trust him. 

When I have kids over for dinner or lunch, I usually get asked for ranch dip. It just isn't going to happen here. I know there are some healthy ,homemade recipes but I really prefer my kids to taste the food itself not cover it up with ranch. I prefer a good vinaigrette on salad's that are light and healthy. 

Start reading what you are feeding your kids. I worry about the future generations. How are any kids ever going to survive without disease? One thing is for certain; the food industry is not going to change. We have to be the ones to change. We have to control what we are feeding our family and educate!

Thanks. I know this is a repeater topic but so few are really listening. The price will be paid. Thank you all who are trying so hard. It takes time and it takes practice. I am so not perfect but we are trying around here. We get our share of junk but we try to keep it real. Do your best. Bless the lives of your family. 


  1. I <3 your blog and all the work you put into it. Thanks for being so passionate about proper nutrition. It's refreshing.

  2. Thank you for posting that. I discovered nearly two years ago that my body does NOT like gluten, and shortly after I eliminated that I found myself getting sick again. MGS was the culprit, and all the "fake sugars" make me just as ill. My husband has done a ton of research and bit by bit we were able to understand why all three make me so sick in nearly the same exact way. Thank you for your passion. The more we learn the better the chances are that we will make choices that allow our bodies to heal. Yes, I have to make everything that goes into my body from scratch, but I'm healthy now. Seems a small price to pay. Your writing here about oils also inspired me and I found that my body does better with the oils and other homeopathic remedies than any medication. Amazing what I didn't know two years ago, and how much healing has transpired because of blogs like yours.

  3. Thank you ladies and way to go on healing your body the natural way! So impressed!

  4. Take MORE than a second!
    I hear you. It causes me literal pain to see what parents feed their children. Especially sick children.
    Off to fix dinner. From scratch.

  5. It's been a long time since I've been on blogs but I loved this...simple facts and the truth.

  6. Great article! My sister suffers from migraines and sounds like soy is the problem. Its amazing how food is your medicine or..poison.

  7. I'm so glad you are coming to speak to our WOW Whole Foods Group!

  8. I read this post and then did some research; every type of Ranch I looked at had MSG (both the mix packet or tub of dip). I finally found a brand from Litehouse that is made with canola oil, no trans fat, no MSG, no high fructose corn syrup, and is gluten free. In my local Fry's it was located in the refrigerated section next to the bagged salads.
