Friday, February 17, 2012


     When Tate was first diagnosed at the age of two with Autism, I had a goal.  I would "fix" him by the age of 6 and he would be in a "typical" kindergarten. Now he is 7 and my perspective is very different. I had his best interests at heart. I wanted him to be able to have a happy life, one not so complicated as our path suggested. The word "typical" doesn't hold purpose anymore. In fact, I would much rather my children be "A-typical".

     What does "typical" even mean, really? Do we want to fit into a certain mold? Do we want to be the same? Do we try too hard to have our children mainstreamed into a certain common thread? Why? 

     I read a fabulous article about some famous people who were all speculated to have some form of Autism. People who have changed the world. The article praised these brilliant minds and said that if we didn't have these special, "A-typical" minds in this world, we would be missing out on so many amazing inventions. Many speculate that Einstein was autistic. He didn't even speak until he was 4. We all know how brilliant he was.

     My desire for Tate is for him to be happy and to not be held back from anything he wants in life because of Autism. We have peeled back those layers through food and natural medicine so that he can function just like the rest of us. He isn't in a foggy world where sensory issues prohibit a happy life. That is a very important goal that everyone with an autistic child should have. It can happen. Tate is not like everyone else. Thank goodness. He is special. He is happy. He is creative. He loves life. I celebrate that he isn't "typical". It is perfectly normal for him to be hunting our cat in the back yard with a Batman mask on and no pants. 

     I had a conversation with a friend about her sweet son who is not like other kids his age. He doesn't have any syndromes or diagnosis. He is brilliant. He is creative. He is different and special and amazing. She worries about him because she wants him to fit in and to do well in school. I love this little boy. He is so sweet to Tate and they have a special spiritual connection. I told her how wonderful it was that he was not like the other kids. We need these different and creative minds. We need to celebrate them and let them be individuals without a mold to fit in.

    It is hard to parent these little minds. It's hard when we don't understand how they work or what is going on inside of them. We need to not worry about what is normal and to place more focus on raising children who love life and contribute to it in some way. Children that are happy and productive. If they are happy, everything else will fall into place.

     If a certain type of teaching isn't working; if a technique isn't applying well; try to change courses to see what will. All minds are different. 

     As parents we need to do all we can to help our little ones minds to be clear and focused. That takes health and nutrition and patience. But, when we can clear that path or even when we are in the process of clearing that path, we need to let them be who they are. We need to not worry. Who really wants to be "typical". How boring would that world be. 

   Oh how I love my little "A-typical" minds. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure Michael would enjoy that game...Tate is such a blessing in the lives of those around him. We learn so much from you and from him.
