Monday, March 5, 2012

Of Importance.....

     On the ledge above Tate's headboard are four things: A penguin, a little puppy, a birthday hat and pictures of Jesus. He keeps his treasures safe above him when he sleeps. It is a plain picture of what is important to him. Most kids are like that. They will have a display on a nightstand, dresser or special place displaying what is near and dear to them. Tate LOVES penguins, puppies, birthdays and Jesus. Don't move them off his shelf. He will notice.

     I have been thinking a lot lately about this topic. If I were to have a display of what is important to me, what would it be? If we asked ourselves that question, as moms, we would always answer "children, husbands, etc..." Those would always be the top of our list but I wondered if my children and my husband would feel that they were of utmost importance to me. I am sure they know that they are loved and that I love being their mom and wife. However, do I show that in my actions? Will they leave my home as they become of age knowing that they were what mattered most? There are many righteous things, and some not so righteous things, that are in our lives that take our focus off track a bit. It may start off as a little side hobby or interest and soon, we can't stop thinking about it or even obsessing about it. It may pull our focus away from what is truly important. 

     I love to do research on the internet and learn as much as I can about health and nutrition. I can justify this since it helps my family and my blogging friends. But, justification doesn't mean that it is the right use of my time when done too often. Same goes with exercise. Exercise is important and healthy for our bodies and minds but when we are gone every weekend or mornings when we should be taking care of our families, then it has probably gone too far. Children notice when moms aren't present. We can put too much focus on our church callings sometimes when it could be scaled down a bit. We can become addicted to reading, facebook, friendships, etc. Whatever pulls our focus away too much from what matters most always needs to be put into check. 

     Anything that becomes an obsession is unhealthy. Obsessions occupy our thoughts. The most important thing we can give our children and spouses is our time. Time is precious. As they say, the kids grow up before you know it. How true that is.  I look at my 18 year old and wonder where the time went. I hope and pray that he knows that he is of great importance to me. I have tried really hard to be  mentally present when my children walk in the door from school or when they wake up. They do the most talking at those critical times. They just want to know that mom is there for them. It means taking my focus off other things that I am thinking about to focus on them. It isn't always easy and I am certainly not anywhere near perfect on this but I am trying. It means that I don't get everything crossed off my list that I want to. It means that my house isn't as clean as I want it to be sometimes. I am learning to let some things go now and then and be OK with it. 

     I know we are going to be held accountable for our time in the end. We are going to be held accountable for the care of our families. We need to keep a constant check on how we are using our time. The clock is ticking. 

  What's on your nightstand? What occupies your thoughts? What would your children say is important to you? 


  1. love this Shari! Thanks for the reminder

  2. This is a great post. Just what I needed to hear!

  3. Yes, this is so important and true! Thank you for this.
