Monday, December 31, 2012

Over and Out.

It's hard to believe that I began this blog in 2008. I thought it would be fun to share a few recipes and share a few tips I have learned over my mothering years but it turned into so much more. 

I gained friendships and shared trials. I was uplifted and motivated. I was inspired by warrior mothers and urged to learn more. I became better because of my readers and am so very thankful for all of you who tuned in and shared the last four years with me.

I type tonight to say my goodbyes and for some silly reason, it makes me sad. I feel like I am saying goodbye's to my friends. It's just time. In my 711 posts on this blog, I think I have said what I have to say. If you have missed it, I am going to sum up all my words of wisdom for a healthy and happy life according to the Enlightened Homemaker right here and now:

Take care of yourself. 

Eat Naked Food. 

Don't drink soda. ( OK, I do have a DP once in a while)

Listen to your body. Don't wait until it's too late.

Family is number 1.

Plant a garden.

Have a year supply of food.

Get out of debt.

The Lord has given us on this Earth what we need to heal ourselves. You just need to search it out and ask for direction.

Serve, serve, serve. It is the key to happiness.

Moderation in ALL things. 

Let go of hurt feelings.

Paint your toenails.

Clean out the yeast in your body.

Take some D3 and vitamin C.

Autism can be treated. It takes HARD work but oh so worth it.

If you want something bad enough, you can achieve it.

You can do hard things.

Stop whining. 

Time flies. Make the moments matter.

Cut down on sugar.

The only way to loose weight is to cut out the junk. 

Don't eat fast food.

Don't try to be like someone else.

Love your neighbor.

Always be learning something new.

Be happy.

Have a wonderful 2013. It is going to be a great year. It's up to us. I am going to drink it all in. There is not a minute to waste. 

I am still an email away and will be on facebook to share little tid bits I find. I will still order supplements so email me your orders. 

Thank you all. Keep in touch.

Signing out from the desk of The Enlightened Homemaker at 12:14 am, January 1st, 2013, in my jammies,

Shari Goodman

I still reserve the right to come back at some point if I ever think I have something else to say. You will be the first to know. I promise. 


  1. Shari,
    You have blessed countless lives. Thank you for your selfless service and giving time and attention to so many.
    Thank you, and we are all honored to know you and learned from you these past 4 years.
    Don't worry, we'll be in touch. :)

  2. I'm so sad!! I've loved reading your blog and trying to take in and impliment your advice. I hope you keep your blog up as a resource. Thank-you for all your hard work and for sharing it with us in the blog world!

  3. Great advice! Thanks for sharing your wisdom and knowledge through your blog!

  4. I will miss checking in on you and your wealth of knowledge! You are such an inspiration, Shari. If you ever decide to use your talents in class form, ill be there! Good job and good luck in 2013!

  5. I too have loved your blog and also hope you'll leave the content online so I can continue to refer to your many healthy ideas, recipes, etc. Thanks!

  6. That makes me sad too! Thank you SO much Shari for all you have taught me. Your blog has helped me tremendously. I do still have your email address, so I am not panicking. :)

  7. What?!?!?!? My blogging buddy is leaving?!?!?!? I am so glad we met and have spent time on this journey together. I count you as one of my health "soul sisters" and am so grateful for what I have learned from you and how you have always managed to motivate me. Thank you for everything you've done. And I have no fear that we will stay in touch...xoxo

  8. I've loved stalking your blog and wish you all the luck! Can't say I blame you but I do hope you pop in occasionally!

  9. Thank you so much for all you have shared. I am so grateful to have learned from you over the past few years. I will really miss new posts. I'll keep checking in every once and a while just in case : )

  10. You are amazing I have loved reading your blog and checking in! Thanks for all your knowledge and for all you do.


  11. I'm sad but happy for you! You deserve a break. Thanks for sharing all your time, knowledge and research. Its blessed me and my family so much!

  12. and i agree... pls pls pls leave your blog up. I use it ALL the time :)

  13. This is very true, cleaning your body inside out is really needed to maintain a good body and by avoiding zinc deficiency which is a common nutritional deficiency which we do not know about.

  14. Great advice! Thanks for sharing your wisdom and knowledge through your blog!
