Monday, June 2, 2008

An afternoon with the little chefs.....

Today was the first little future homemakers cooking class and I had a great time! I hope the girls had as good of a time as I did and went home and made their pizza's for their family. I was really impressed how well they did and how well they listened. They were all so sweet and fun to be with! Our little girls are capable of so much more than we let them do in the kitchen. I am learning this with experience with my daughter. Once they learn how to read a recipe and learn some safety tips, they can make about anything. That is my goal with these classes and more importantly that they learn that cooking is fun! This is what all new brides to know. What a great thing to bring to a marriage! Thanks for letting me hang out with your girls! Here are a few of our pictures from our Pizza making day. Our only problem is that we needed more time, we didn't get the manners portion in; I don't think the girls minded much! The recipe for the dough is below that I stole from my pizza making brother, Kevin. Thanks.

Pizza Dough

4 cups all purpose flour

1 tsp salt

1 1/2 cups warm water

2 tsp yeast in 1/4 cup warm water

1 T. Olive oil

Mix yeast in measuring cup with 1/4 cups warm water. Let yeast get foamy. Put 3 cups of flour in bowl with salt. Mix and stir in 1 1/2 cups warm water, oil and yeast mixture. Mix with spoon until sticky. Add more flour until the dough is only slightly sticky. Let rest for 8 minutes. Knead again until dough is smooth and elastic. Let rise for 4 hours. Bake on pizza pan on 425 until lightly golden or cook on grill.

The girls favorite was the BBQ chicken pizza. We just put BBQ sauce on the dough, grated Colby Jack and shredded chicken. It is also great with onions and cilantro.

I am thinking about having a weekly class in the fall for ages 7-12. I am not sure if my schedule will permit but let me know if any of you are interested. I loved teaching this class!


  1. Thanks Shari! Aubs had a blast! You are so right about being capable of things, Aubrey just needs a little push I think. Sometimes she doesn't think she will do things right, so then just doesn't try. So it is good for her to be taught by someone other then mom. So thanks for putting this together and taking time out of your day.

  2. Looks like a fun time. If I had a daughter I would definately sign her up. Maybe someday you can have a class for boys.

  3. Kiersten had a great time. She made yummy dessert pizza for us! It was cool for Kiersten to put a face to EnlightedHomermaker. We love your blog. Thanks for taking her home!

  4. Hey Shari. I got your blog site from Angela and I love checking in on you guys. What great stuff you have here! When you do your next cooking classes let me know - my Katelyn would LOVE to do it! Heck if you do a MOM class - let me know. Not my strongest talent! Hope you're doing well!

  5. Shari,
    Thanks my girls had a great time! We had the fruit salad last night for our FHE treat and tonight we had the pizza. I added cilantro and tomatoes from our garden on half, my girls would have nothing to do with that since it was not how you made it! (I will show them that you added that on the blog) :)It was sooo yummy. Thanks again they can't wait for next time.

  6. Your class sounds really great. I've heard too many new brides say that they can't cook - with an attitude of Pride!! Crazy, huh?! I'm sure the girls are having a wonderful time.
    p.s. I'm a new teacher at Blissful...

  7. That BBQ pizza was a piece of HEVEN!!!!!!!!Thanks Shari!
    Tatum & Aubrey

  8. What a great idea. I wish I would of signed up my girls. Sounds like you had a great class.
