Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Oh What Do You Do In The Summer time.......

I don't know about you, but summer is going by too fast. I always have visions of the days spent in a pool, going on excursions to museums, parks and new sites, checking out library books and just plain slowing it down. Instead, I live in the car driving one or the other or all of them to every location in the valley. I emptied one tank of gas in two days! I didn't even sign my little ones up for much and somehow I still can't stay home. I am sure you know what I mean. Life is just too fast anymore. So, in my attempt to claim my summer...I am asking you all to share. What are some of your most fun summer activities; what do you like to do with your little summer time ninos at home, on vacations, on adventures? Any and all ideas are welcome; freebies, cheap ideas, expensive ideas. Then, we need to all take some of these ideas and make them happen. Find the time so that our children will have memories of what summer should be, not the summers where mom is exhausted, where all they do is get shuttled to classes and everyone is grumpy. Let us claim our summers because I can promise, it won't just happen. We need to demand that WE get time with our families, the kind of time that we always thought we would have when we first started having children. They will be off to college before we know it and they will be wondering where all their summers went. Start the comments. Let's take charge!


  1. My kids have discovered the slip-n-slide this summer and have spent hours. The grass looks horrible, but they're having fun. My kids wake up early, I love when they come in one by one as they wake up and we lay in my bed together talking or being silly or just snuggling.

  2. We love to have game days. Each child gets to choose a game and we stay in our pj's and play games all day! That way we can't go anywhere, because we aren't dressed and everyone is happy. We make lots of snacks and have a fun family time together.

  3. I love this post. We do need to claim our summers. My kids are still young and don't seem to have schedules. We love going to the library and hanging out at the parks. We eat outside on the porch for almost every meal and watch the birds come eat our crumbs. I will be watching for more ideas.
