Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Leave of Absence

Every now and then I questions why I am doing this blog. It is not a business; I don't make money, I don't take in advertising or get free vitamins. I started it because I wanted to share my passion about nutrition and how it can save our lives and create strong bodies for our most precious possessions. I have met great moms around the country. I have had wonderful emails from moms who want to learn more and want to change their lives and the lives of their families. When the world out there can be so deceiving, there is truth. Their is simplicity. I have enjoyed sharing some of that with you from what I have learned and what I continue to learn. With all of that being said, I need to take a little break. I have contemplated ending The Enlightened Homemaker but I think I will take a trial run and go on vacation. A little holiday season sabbatical. I have been spending around 2-3 hours per day on emails and deliveries and constantly am thinking about things to research and people with issues. I enjoy this all. this point in my life, time is critical. I have 5 busy kids who need a mom and drawers that need organizing. I want to slow down a bit and enjoy this holiday season without sheer exhaustion. I hope we can all do this. I hope we can all reevaluate our time and where we can best spend it.

I will be back at the beginning of the new year, perhaps. I am still leaving my blog up with over 300 great posts to read! I have decided to not reprint the cookbook since the time it takes me is just too much right now. A few of you have paid and I will mail those out this week. Preparing Wisely in Mesa still has some. I still order oils and supplements so you may always email me if you would like some. I would still love to hear from you so the email line is open. Thanks for everything my friends. I hope you have the merriest of holidays. Create the memories, eat well and stay healthy!


  1. YOU TOO SHARI, the merriest, healthiest and most memorible holiday to you and to yours and THANKS!!

  2. It's wonderful that you are following your heart and taking action.

    Warm blessings to you and your family...they have a very smart and precious mom...well done!


  3. Enjoy the holidays with your five. I totally understand. I have 5 but mine are all older now. I know how busy the holidays are with little ones. Have fun baking cookies, seeing Santa, putting up decorations, making decorations and the list goes on and on. Looking forward to your posts at the beginning of the year.

  4. Way to go Shari! Glad to see you have your priorities aligned. Although, as your biggest fan, I will miss you.

    Thanks for everything.

  5. I hope you enjoy your time off with your family. Thanks for posting all of this information for everyone! :)

  6. I understand why you are doing this.

    I am selfish however. Your blog is the go to place when I wonder if an ingredient is "safe". With all this flu talk I go to your blog to see what you do and think about it.

    If you get a little time would you mind putting in your sidebar a link to all the chemicals to stay clear of? I will look around at your site more and see if you have links to the Dr.'s you brought up in your flu discussions.

    Enjoy your sabatical and I hope to read you next year.

  7. I, too, have learned so much from you! I will miss your continued enlightenment, and am glad you are leaving it in pace.

    Thank you so much for showing the way; through your determination, research, and now by following your heart. Best of all to you and your family!

  8. Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the nice emails. For those who asked, I look at Dr. Mercola and Dr. Blaylock all of the time for research on additives and new information. They have lots of flu info as well. I am sure I will have lots of new info at the beginning of the year! I miss it already but know this is what I need to do. OK, really I am going now.

  9. Love your blog. Sorry to see you go but I totally get what you mean. Family first.

  10. Sheri, i will miss your blog and it is one of my favorites. but i hear you sister. Get out and enjoy the holidays. You have inspired all of us, so whatever you chose to do with the blog after the holiday season, it will be the right choice. Lots'of love and respect.

  11. We will definitely miss your updates!

  12. Completely understandable! Have a great holiday season. Cant wait for you to be back!

  13. Good thing you're my SIL and I can call you anytime! Thanks for all the things you've taught me over these past many years. Love ya!

  14. Shari... your desire to help others and share the knowledge you are amassing is surpassed only by your devotion to your family.
    Have a memorable holiday, collect many more stories, and keep absorbing information. I know your heart, and you will not be able to keep it to yourself. Love you, Connie

  15. We love you and your blog! And everyone needs a break! Thanks for letting us know, instead of just not posting and leaving me in the dark!!

    Have a GREAT Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's!

  16. I will miss reading your posts!!

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