Saturday, October 17, 2009

Vitamins are in!!

I am back in town and the supplements are at my doorstep. If you have ordered, email or call me to work out a pick up. If you are out of state, I will mail on Monday. Look for your pay pal bill! I did order extra so email me if you want some, first come first serve. Thanks for being patient. I will be ordering once a month, possibly twice so let me know by the end of each month what you want. Hope you all had a great fall break....I will be back to blogging soon. I have too much laundry to do.

1 comment:

  1. Hi shari! I am Tiffany, Traceys sister and I would love if I could get some vitamins for my daughters. I want to talk more about what would be the best thing for my daughter Emmie to help her stay healthy this winter. If you don't mind... I will call you tomorrow. If you have extra... please put them aside for me!!! Thanks!
